Zaznamenaná charitativní činnost Michaela Jacksona

"Přál bych si, aby svět poznal skutečného Michaela. Michael vždy říkal, že když hovoříte o tom, co dobrého jste na světě udělali, zrušíte dobročinnost toho daru, takže byl ve své humanitární práci velmi soukromý. Nikdo se nikdy nedozví, kolik toho pro tenhle svět a pro děti udělal. Svět se nikdy nedozví, koho ztratil, protože Michaela vzali od jeho práce a to jej nejen ošidilo o jeho budoucnost, ale ošidilo to také nás všechny.“
David Nordahl, malíř
„Mnozí z médií naznačili, že legendární humanitární práce Michaela Jacksona byla podniknuta za účelem další propagace tohoto nejslavnějšího člověka na naší planetě nebo kvůli odpisu daní. Takové návrhy jsou směšné a irelevantní. Ačkoli Michael otevřel svou peněženku a svůj domov zanedbaným, znevýhodněným a nemocným dětem po celém světě, jeho nejvýznamnějším příspěvkem, který zůstává inspirací pro miliony fanoušků, je jeho čas a jeho pozornost… což je mnohem cennější komodita než peníze.
To, jak upřímně ho těší být v přítomnosti dětí zažijete, když ho pozorujete při setkáních, kdy pohladí holou hlavu mladé oběti rakoviny, jemně sleduje její nesmělý úsměv, když se blíží - to, jak se jeho obličej rozsvítí, jako by zevnitř, když jsou přítomné děti důkazem jeho upřímné opravdovosti. Takovéto reakce nemohou být falešné a nejdou ani skrýt.
Během vrcholu své kariéry Michael udělal pro lidi a pro svět více, než jakákoli jiná superhvězda, a jeho příspěvky byly tak velké, že zahanbil mnoho vlád ve velkých průmyslových zemích.“
Novinář Frederic Taddei, 2008
"Skutečná charita vychází ze srdce, víte? Ne z toho, že řeknete, ´Podívejte se na mě, podívejte se, co dělám.´"
Michael Jackson
* * * Seznam organizací, které Michael Jackson pravidelně podporoval * * *
Michael Jackson s Jackson Five, 70. léta:
(Pravděpodobně) 1972: Michael Jackson a Jackson 5 navštěvují Children’s Heart Hospital v Philadelphii (PA.), děti dostávají autogramy.
1972: Jackson 5 a The Supremes jsou hlavními hvězdami prvního benefičního koncertu "Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Concert" v Atlantě (Georgia) a pomáhají tak rozjet fond pro "Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change".
30. září 1972: Jackson 5 a další umělci účinkují pro "Save The Children", což se vztahuje k filmovému tématu "Black Exposition" a "Operation PUSH" ("People To Save Humanity - lidé k záchraně lidskosti") v mezinárodním amfiteátru v Chicagu a propagují tak naději do budoucna tím, že pomáhají dětem z Chicago.
18. listopadu 1972: Jackson 5 vystupují v Hollywoodu (Kalifornie) na večeři NAACP určené k získání finančních prostředků fund-raising dinner at Hollywood, Palladium, California, at the 6th annual Black Image Awards. (NAACP je národní sdružení pro povýšení barevných lidí, jedna z nejstarších a nejvlivnějších organizací pro etnické minority v USA.)
9. prosince 1972: Jackson 5 vystupují na Watts Christmas Parade v Los Angeles (Kalifornie) a slouží jako čestní předsedové.
23. prosince 1972: 14ti letý Michael a Jackson 5, oblečeni jako Santové, rozdávají jménem své nahrávací společnosti Motown dárky na vánoční párty v Pacific Townclub v Los Angeles v Kalifornii. Různé zdroje uvádí, že bylo obdarováno 400 - 700 sociálně slabých dětí. V článku, nazvaném “Jackson 5 se opravdu změnili!”, autor poukazuje na to, že “poprvé, když Jackson 5 dělali benefiční akci v dětské nemocnici, přišel Michael domů a celou noc plakal při vzpomínce na nemocné děti ležící v postýlkách, z nich některé ani nebyly schopné zvednout ruce, aby mohly zatleskat. Proto se aktivně zapojil do komunikace s těmito dětmi. Dopisuje si s mladými lidmi svého věku v nemocnicích po celé zemi. Tyto dopisy nejsou diktovány sekretářkou, ale vlastnoručně je píše Michael o pauzách během vystoupení nebo dokonce i ve škole."


16. srpna 1973: Jackson 5 vystupují na benefičním představení v St. Paul Civic Center Arena v Minnesotě, jehož výtěžek jde do Afro-American Music Opportunities Association - Asociace pro příležitosti afro-americké hudby (AAMOA), která po celém světě podporuje čenou hudbu a hudebníky.

Leden 1979: Michael Jackson daruje nespecifický počet knih, včetně Petera Pana, do Chicago Public Library's Young Adult Section a podporuje čtení skrze knihovní program "Boogie to the Book Beat".
In 1979, "The Black Linkage For Adoptive Children" hosts a charity event during which the Jacksons’ costumes from their 1979 Destiny Tour were auditioned off to the highest bidder; Michael Jackson’s costume garnered 575,00 dollars, the highest price from an impersonator who performed in an outfit that night for a gig.
In 1979, the entertainer participates at a fundraiser organised by American actress, writer and activist, Jane Fonda.
In 1980, Michael Jackson performs song “Rock With You” at “Because We Care”, a UNICEF Charity Gala held at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. "Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, not only for your applause, but thank you for caring; and I’m very happy to be here. I love you all. Thank you”, he says to the audience after completing his performance.
80. léta
Around 1980, while touring in Philadelphia, Michael Jackson and The Jacksons visit the local Children’s Hospital, the group also making other such relief apperances during their tours.
On July 22, 1981, The Jacksons give a special benefit concert for the "Atlanta Children’s Foundation" at the Omni Auditorium in Atlanta, Georgia, and raise 100,000 dollars for the charity, subsequently to lengthy episodes of Black youth disappearances and murders in the mentioned city. Speaking on behalf of himself and his brothers, Michael Jackson reveals, "We Are doing this because we care". LeBaron Taylor, vise president and general manager of Divisional Affairs for CBS Records, distributor of Epic Efforts for whom the Jacksons record, and coordinator of the special event comments, "We are pleased that The Jacksons have scheduled this special performance for such a worthy cause [...]".
* During the years of residing at Hayvenhurst mansion with his family, Michael Jackson accepts a large number of children’s requests to visit him there through foundations such as "Make A Wish", most of these visits not being publicized, sister La Toya Jackson confirms in her 1991 autobiography, as well as the singer himself. The young visitors would be treated to screenings, sweets to their preference from the residence’s Candy Store, to petting the exotic pets of his menagerie, to arcade and video - game playing and the like.
Červenec 1981: benefiční koncert Triumph Tour v Atlantě, Georgia, vydělá $100,000 na místní Omni Auditorium v Atlantě pro dětskou nadaci (jako reakce na sérii únosů a vražd dětí, které Atlantu soužila po několik měsíců.
10. ledna 1984: během natáčení reklamy na Pepsi je Michael Jackson vážně popálen. Je převezen do Brotman Medical Center v Culver City,
Californie. Ačkoliv na hlavě utrpěl popáleniny druhého a třetího stupně, navštívil Jackson ostatní pacienty a později nemocnici daroval kyslíkovou komoru (která se používá k léčbě popálenin). Zároveň bylo otevřeno jím vybavené "Michael Jackson Burn Center".
14. dubna 1984: Michael vybaví 19ti lůžkové zařízení v Mount Senai New York Medical Center. Toto centrum je částí nadace T.J. Martella pro výzkum leukémie a rakoviny.
Květen 1984: Michael Jackson daruje použití jeho písně "Beat It" národní kampani proti alkoholu za volantem. Za tento příspěvek dostává od tehdejšího prezidenta Ronalda Reagana "Special Achievement Award".
5. července 1984: Michael Jackson a jeho rodina na tiskové konferenci ohlašují změnu vydávání lístků na Victory Tour. Ve svém proslovu říká: "Na konec to nejdůležitější - chci vám říct, že když jsem souhlasil s turné, rozhodl jsem se darovat všechny peníze, které na tomto turné vydělám, charitě." Díky Michaelově štědrosti byly obdarovány 3 charitativní organizace: "The United Negro College Fund", který založil "Michael Jackson Scholarship Fund", který roku 1988 poskytl stipendium 70ti studentům ze členských škol UNCF, Camp Good Times pro smrtelně nemocné děti a Nadace T.J. Martella pro výzkum leukémie a rakoviny.
14. července 1984: The Jacksons, kteří vystupovali v Jacksonville na Floridě, pohostili osm dětí trpících nevyléčitelnými nemoci. 14ti letá Malanda Cooper, která má před sebou jen krátký čas života, požádala starostu o setkání s Michaelem. Ten se s ní setkává v zákulisí před představením. Později se koncertu účastní 700 postižených dětí.
Červenec 1984: The Jacksons vystupují na Texas Stadium v Dallasu a darují 1200 lístků v hodnotě $39,000 sociálně slabým dětem.
Srpen 1984: The Jacksons převezou 40 dětí ze sirotčince Thelma Marshall Children's Home, The Hoosier Boys Home and the Donzels Work studijní program pro středoškolské studenty na třetí přestavení v Gary v Indianě.
V září 1984: 14ti letý fanoušek David Smithey si díky Brass Ring Society plní celoživotní sen. Je pozván na návštěvu k Michaelu Jacksonovi v jeho domě v Encinu. David trpí cystickou fibrózou a dlouho si přeje se s M. Jacksonem setkat. Ti dva spolu stráví den sledováním filmů, obědem a hraním videoher. Než odjel, dostal David od Michaela černou rukafici s flitry a červenou koženou bundu z Beat It. David zemře o 7 týdnů později.
13. prosince 1984: Michael navštěvuje nemocnici Brotman Memorial, kde ho léčili po popáleninách z reklamy na Pepsi. Všechny peníze, které od Pepsi dostal jako vyrovnání - $1,5 milionu, daruje "The Michael Jackson Burn Center for Children".
28. ledna1985: Michael Jackson je jednou z hlavních postav, díky níž se uskutečnila historická nahrávka písně "We Are The World". Tuto píseň napsal společně s Lionelem Ritchiem a nahrál původní demo nahrávku. V A&M Lion Share Studios se pak sešly desítky předních umělců, aby se společně pokusili zmírnit hladomor v Africe. Veškeré vítěžky z této písně, videokazety z natáčení a knihy o ní, šly přímo do zemí nejvíce zasažených hladomorem. Jednalo se o více než $60 milionů dolarů.
On February 28, 1986, he telephones and invites 14-year-old Donna Ashlock from California - convalescing after a heart transplant - over to "Hayvenhurst" mansion in Encino, there dining and watching a film with the young patient, the actual visit taking place on March, 8. That same year, he invites 12-year-old Danielle Finmark (attending "Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times", an organization for children with cancer) to the ranch, where she tours the residence, visits his menagerie, has lunch with Jackson and watches movie "Short Circuit" with him, according to Finmark.
Březen 1985: Michael Jackson navšíví mladou dívku, která zůstane po automobilové nehodě v Miami na Floridě paralizována. Později jí pošle i nahrávku koncertů z Victory Tour a bundu.
1986: Michael zakládá "Michael Jackson UNCF Endowed Scholarship Fund". Tato nadace s $1.5 milionem dolarů je zaměřena na studenty z oboru umění vystupování a komunikace a každý rok poskytuje peníze studentům, kteří navštěvují kolej nebo univerzitu UNCF.
28. února 1986: Poté, co je 14ti leté Donně Ashlockové z Kalifornie transplantováno srdce, zavolá jí Michael Jackson. Slyšel, že je jeho velká fanynka. Pozve jí do svého domova, jen co se začne cítit o něco lépe. Donna Michaela navštíví 8. března. Zůstane na večeři a společně se dívají na filmy.
Říjen 1986: Na trh je uvedena série zvířat "Michael's Pets" vymodelovaných podle Michaelových skutečných mazlíčků. Dle Michaelova přání je jeden dolar z každého prodaného kusu věnován dětské charitě.
13. září 1987: Michael podporuje kampaň proti rasismu, podporuje snahu NAACP bojovat proti předsudkům proti černým umělcům.
Září 1987: Michael Jackson daruje $20,000 rodině japonského chlapce Yoshiyakiho, který byl nedávno unesen a zabit. Ve zprávách se objevuje velice emocionální Michael, který k incidentu říká: "Je mi to moc líto a jsem velmi smutný z toho, co se stalo Yoshiyakovi. Kdybych mohl, rád bych jeho rodičům vyjádřil svá slova lítosti a vzdal Yoshiyakovi hold. Rád bych své japonské turné Yoshiyakovi věnoval. Yoshiyaki, vím, že se na nás díváš. Doufám, že už se tak brutální a srdcervoucí věc nebude opakovat. A miluji tě." Jackson poté pokračoval písní I Just Can´t Stop Loving You.
Říjen 1987: Na konci Bad Tour, Michael věnuje některé své osobní věci UNESCU do charitativní aukce. Výtěžek putuje na vzdělávání dětí v rozvojových zemích. Mezi věcmi byli brýle, trička a větrovka.
Listopad 1987: Michael Jackson daruje 10 000 liber britské organizaci Children in Need Appeal.
Listopad 1987: Michael Jackson navštěvuje dětskou nemocnici při turné v Austrálii.
1. února 1988: Píseň "Man In the Mirror" vstupuje do hitparád. Výtěžek z prodeje této nahrávky jde do Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times, tábora pro děti trpící rakovinou.
1. března 1988: Michael Jackson během turné Bad vystupuje v Madison Square Garden, první ze tří koncertů je ve prospěch United Negro College Fund. Daruje šek na 600 000 dolarů Christopheru Edleymu, presidentu UNCF, což z něj dělá jednoho z největších přispěvatelů do této oranizace. Tato částka v nadaci pomohla 97 mladým lidem.
Duben 1988: Michael daruje určitý počet volných vstupenek na jeho tři koncerty v Atlantě (Georgia) nadaci Make A Wish Foundation.
Duben 1988: Je oznámeno. že 4000 lístků na Jacksonovy koncerty v Británii budou věnovány ITV Telethonu, což vydělá 200 000 liber na dětskou nemocnici v Great Ormond Street.
22. května 1988: Michael navštěvuje děti trpící rakovinou v dětské nemocnici Bambini-Gesu v Římě. Podepisuje dětem autgramy a rozdává sladkosti a nahrávky. Nemocnici slíbí věnovat 100 000 liber.
Červen 1988: Aukce Music celebrity ve prospěch nadace T. J. Martella pro leukemii, rakovinu a výzkum AIDS se může jako svou nejvyšší výherní položkou pochlubit černým fedora kloukem, který Michael Jackson podepsal. Prodal se za více než 4 000 dolarů.
16. července 1988: Před koncertem ve Wembley se Michael setkává s Princem z Walesu a jeho ženou Dianou. Šek na 150 000 liber předá nadaci Prince's Trust a šek na 100 000 liber jde do dětské nemocnice v Great Ormond Street. Přispěje také nadaci Wishing Well, která je založena, aby pomohla financovat novou budovu londýnské nemocnice pro nemocné děti. Michael si nemocnici prohlédl a navštívil některé pacienty.
20. července 1988: Michael navštěvuje smrtelně nemocné děti v nemocnici v Great Ormond Street Hospital. V oddělení pro méně kritické pacienty zůstává delší dobu a vypráví jim příběhy.
29. srpna 1988: V den svých 30. narozenin Michael vystupuje v anglickém Leedsu na charitativní organizaci Give For Life. Jejím cílem je očkování dětí. Michael jim věnuje šek na 65 000 liber. Díky tomu je možné očkovat 40 000 dětí.
Říjen 1988: Michael Jackson předá šek v hodnotě 125 000 dolarů Esther Edwardsové a Berry Gordymu na údržbu amerického Hittsville, co je muzeum Motownu v Detroitu (Michigan). Na výstavu pak také poskytl svůj černý klobouk, bílou rukavici a kostým z éry Motownu.
Listopad 1988: V Atlantě (Georgia) bylo vážně nemconým dětem z nadace Children's Wish darováno 100 lístků na koncerty Bad tour.
Prosinec 1988: Michael navštěvuje 12ti letého Davida Rothenburga. Jeho otec ho o 5 let dříve ošklivě popálil jako pomstu své tehdejší manželce.
Leden 1989: Výtěžek z jednoho Michaelova představení v Los Angeles jsou věnovány Childhelp USA, největší charitaticvní oraganizaci v USA proti týrání dětí. Jako ocenění Jacksonova příspěvku zakládá Childhelp v jižní Kalifornii "Mezinárodní institut Michaela Jacksona pro vyšetřování týrání dětí".
10. ledna, 1989: Blíží se konec turné Bad. Znevýhodněným dětem jsou darovány vstupenky na každý koncert a Michael věnuje peníze nemocnicím, sirotčincům a charitativním organizacím. Během mnoha zastávek se Michael v zákulisí před koncerty nejdříve setkal s místními nemocnými dětmi. Seth Riggs, Michaelův hlasový trenér poznamenává: "Každou noc přinášeli nemocné děti na nocítkách, tak nemocné, že stěží udržely hlavu nahoře. Michael si k nim klekal a pokládal svou tvář k jejich, aby se s ním pohly vyfotit a potom jim fotku dal, aby si ten okamžik pamatovaly."
7. února, 1989: Michael navštěvuje Clevelandskou základní školu ve Stocktonu (Kalifornie). O několik týdnů dříve střlel 25ti letý muž na školním hřišti. Bylo zabito 5 dětí a 39 jich bylo zraněno. Mnoho z těch, které byly přítomny Jacksonově návštěvě prohlásilo, že jim Michaelova přítomnost pomohla k tomu, aby se opět cítily bezpečně.
5. března 1989: Michael zve 200 chudých dětí z Instututu sv. Vincenta pro postižené děti a z organizace Big Brothers and Big Sisters do cirkusu Vargas v Santa Barbaře. Po této akci je pozve na svůj ranč, aby jim ukázal svou soukromou ZOO.
13. listopadu 1989: Organizace Wishes Granted pomůže 4-letému Darianu Paganovi, který trpí leukémií, aby se mohl setkat s Michaelem. Ten malého chlapce pozve na vystoupení kanadských akrobatů.
28. prosince 1989: Mladý Ryan White, který trpí hemofilíí a byl při jedné z krevních trasfuzí nakažen virem HIV a následně následně u něj propuklo AIDS, tráví svátky na Michaelově ranči.
90. léta
6. ledna 1990: Skrze organizaci Childhelp zve Michael 82 týraných a zanedbávaných dětí na svůj ranč Neverland. Jsou tu pro ně přichystané hry, grilování a filmy.
Únor 1990: Michael Jackson vystupuje na speciální hudební estrádě na počest Sammyho Davise, Jr. a výtěžek, 250 000 dolarů, je věnován na United Negro College Fund.
Květen 1990: Make A Wish Foundation zorganizuje pro 14ti letého Johna Browna, který má rakovinu, návštěvu v Jacksonově ranči Neverland.
Červenec 1990: 45 dětí z Projektu Dream Street z Los Angeles, který se zaměřuje na děti s nemocemi ohrožujícími život, je pozvánu na ranč Neverland.
18. srpna 1990: Michael zve do svého Neverlandu 130 dětí z letního progamu YMCA v Los Angeles a Santa Barbaře. Užívají si grilování, hrají video hry, navštíví ZOO a koukají se na filmy. Každé dítě si domů odnese pár tenisek.
Říjen 1990: Michael pořádá párty pro 80 týraných nebo zanedbávaných dětí z organizace Village of Childhelp v Beaumontu v California. Později hostí 50 dětí z Maclaren Hall a Make a Wish Foundation ve svém domě v Kalifornii.
6. května 1991: Michael je pozvaný na charitativní akci Jane Goodallové. Michael podporuje tuto advokátku ve výzkumu týkající se chování šimpanzů v Gombe v Nigérii více než 30 let.
26. července 1991: Michael navštěvuje nadaci Youth Sports & Art v Los Angeles. Tato nadace podporuje rodiny členů gangů a pomáhá v oblasti zneužívání drog. Michael hovořil s dětmi a daroval jim širokoúhlou televizi a finance.
Prosinec 1991: Michaelova firma MJJ Productions poskytne potřebným rodinám v Los Angeles více než 200 večeří s krocanem.
Únor 1992: Během 11 dnů Michael v Africe procestuje 30 000 mil, navštěvuje nemocnice, sirotčince, školy, kostely a instituce pro mentálně postižené děti.
3. února 1992: Na tiskové konferenci v New York Radio City Music Hall Michael oznamuje, že plánuje nové světové turné,
aby získal prostředky pro svou novou organizaci "Heal The World".
6. května 1992: Michael Jackson platí za pohřeb malého chlapce, kterého zabila zbloudilá kulka během nepokojů Rodney King v Los Angeles v California.
23. června 1992: Na tiskové konferenci v Londýně Michael hovoří o své "Heal The World Foundation".
26. června 1992: Michael daruje starostovi Mnichova, panu Kronawitterovi, šek na 40 000 marek pro mnichovské lidi v nouzi.
29. červen 1992: Michael navštěvuje dětskou nemocnici Sophia v Rotterdamu a věnuje jí šek na 100 000 liber.
Červenec 1992: Michael daruje 821 477 296 l. La
Partita del Cuore (The Heart Match) v Římě a 120 000 marek dětským charitám v Estonsku a Litvě.
25. července 1992: Při příležitosti svého koncertu v DUblinu (Irsko) Michael oznamuje, že daruje 400 000 liber různým charitám.
29. července 1992: Michael navštěvuje Dětskou nemocnici královny ELizabethy v Londýně. K překvapení dětí s sebou přivádí Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse z Euro-Disney.
July 31, 1992: On the Eve of his second concert at Wembley Stadium, Michael presents Prince Charles with a check of 200,000 pounds for the Prince's Trust.
On July 31, 1992, before performing on his second concert at the Wembley Stadium in Great Britiain, he financially (re)acknowledges the "Prince’s Trust" with a 350,000-pound check. The very year, the first "Heal The World European Children’s Congress" is established in England, the occasion of which 84 children, aged between 8 and 16, have gathered to discuss global issues of imminent interest and their possible solutions. Despite being down with laryngitis, the artist also participates at"Regent’s College" for several hours.
On August 16, 1992, backstage in Leeds, England, he meets with 6-year-old Nicholas Killen, left visually impaired after a cancer procedure.
In September, 1992, Michael Jackson presents the Queen of Spain’s charity with a sum of 1,000,000 pesetas.
On September 30, 1992, Jackson visits the "Leaganul De Copii Sfanta Ecaterina" care facility and its children, in Bucharest, Romania, before his "Dangerous" tour concert on October 1. He spends quite a large amount of time in the orphanage, where 5-year old Alice, whose mother was an employee at the facility, gives to a gracious Jackson a drawing and photo album created by the home's children, which he patiently browses. Before his concert, he officially launches the Heal The World Foundation in presence of then Prime Minister, Theodor Stolojan, and discusses HTWF’s tenets in a press conference, before which a group of children sing "Heal The World" to him. He also finances a playground for 500 homeless children there via Playday, in the amount of 10,000 dollars, and inaugurated by then Romanian President, Ion Iliescu. A portion of the proceeds from this concert is reported to have been directed to the Serbian refugees at the time. During his stay in Bucharest, he also takes time to visit the Snagov Monastery, built by Vlad Tepes, the so-called Dracula; he requests privacy, and spends 6 hours inside, reportedly, in order to pray and explore the building, but on exiting, agrees to sign an autograph for one of the female journalists waiting outside. Jackson contributes 100,000 dollars for the said monastery.
Michael Jackson, along with other celebrities of color, contributes to the financing of director Spike Lee's 1992 film, "Malcolm X", a biographical film (released on November 18) about the African-American minister, human rights activist and black nationalist, Malcolm X. The public speaker was shot dead by three men hired by Nation of Islam, while speaking to a meeting of Afro-American Unity, on 'grounds' of the activist's leaving the Nation in favor of Sunni Islam, but particularly of race equality and human rights. The story of the film is based on "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" as told to African-American writer, Alex Haley. Actor Denzel Washington will be nominated for an Academy Award For Best Actor for his role as Malcolm X.
On October 1, 1992, Jackson chooses a concert in Bucharest, Romania for worldwide television broadcast, the country being known for the large number of children’s housings.
On November 24, 1992, inside a hangar at "John F. Kennedy Airport" in New York, Michael Jackson monitors the loading of 43 tons of medical supplies, blankets, shoes and winter clothing onto a cargo jet bound for the children of Sarajevo, a war-torn zone in the former Yugoslavia. The Heal The World Foundation teams up with "AmeriCares" to fly the 2.1 million-dollar worth of aid to Sarajevo for distribution by the United Nations. The aid is reported to have been also addressed to the Serbians, Croatians and Muslims in need.
On November 25, 1992, Michael Jackson grants the wish of young David Sonnet, whom he meets via the Make A Wish Foundation, the boy being invited to go along with other children from the foundation to Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. Sonnet suffered a brain aneurysm at the tender age of 8, leaving him only able to function through a communication device, it helping him convey his thoughts through a specialized computer. Young David had received a ‘Beat It’ jacket from a local charity in a West Palm Beach, Florida, which he wore for his special encounter. Jackson notices it and says “I see you have my jacket on’.Among the activities David did together with his mother at Neverland, he held Bubbles, Jackson’s monkey, rode the Octopus, the merry-go-round and other activities suchlike. Because Sonnet was unable to talk or walk, the two shared an “I Love You” in sign language. A visibly emotional Jackson receives a stuffed lion and a picture of himself from the youngster and tells the boy he would keep his photo in his room. Before this encounter, David Sonnet had written to Jackson on various occasions as a show of support, and the entertainer would write back and include photos and other personal mementos. A hat of his featured in this auction from West Palm Beach was gifted from Jackson to Sonnet, while Sonnet sent a thank you card to the singer, inclusing a wedding card when he married Lisa Marie Presley in 1994. Both times Jackson responded with a signed letter and salutation. According to Debbie Sonnet, David’s mother, Jackson’s music did help him recover of a coma his recovery room was decorated with numerous Jackson photos and his music was played at all times. Sonnet passed away on July 26, 2004.
On December 26, 1992, the singer acknowledges the merits of the "United Negro College Fund", by virtue of which the"Michael Jackson Scholarship Program" had enabled over 200 young men and women to receive qualified education up until that time. Jackson contributes a taped performance of "Heal The World" to Lou Rawls' UNCF telethon, taken from a "Dangerous"concert mixed with footage of Jackson during his journey in Africa.
In 1992, he attends the ‘Milken Family Foundation National Educator Awards’, performs ‘Heal The World’ on stage with a large group of children and makes a brief speech. The Milken Family Foundation is a private foundation established by Lowell Milken and Michael Milken in 1982, with the mission to support education and medical research.
In 1992, Michael Jackson recites via phone to Ryan White’s mother, Jeannie, a part of the poem ("Ryan White") he wrote for the late young activist and friend, during her appearance at the Maury Povich US TV Show. Mrs. White talks about her deceased son and his friendship with the entertainer.
On January 18, 1993, he joins Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Michael Bolton, Dionne Warwick, Kenny Rogers and various other artists, including a choir of children, all conducted by Quincy Jones, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. to sing “We Are The World” for a preinaugural celebration of then incoming President Bill Clinton. The new first family, including daughter Chelsea Clinton, later joins Jackson and the other stars on stage. His appearance at the event was unscheduled. Jackson stays at the Madison Hotel and his only requests are for clothes pressing service and strawberry ice cream. “An American Reunion: The 52nd Presidential Inaugural Gala” takes place a day later - January 19 - at the US Air Arena in Landover, Maryland. Jackson first addresses President elect Clinton on the need for and importance of increased funding for AIDS cure research, then sings “Gone Too Soon” - in memory of his friend, late activist, Ryan White, and “Heal The World”, accompanied by a large group of children. He dedicates the song to "all the children of the world". He then joins the other performers at the event, including Barbra Streisand, Aretha Franklin, Chuck Berry, Elton John and Barry Manilow, for a finale led by reunited music group, Fleetwood Mac, singing one of their songs, the optimistic “Don’t Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow)”, a song about living daily life in positivity, discarding past negativity.
In January, 1993, Jackson is involved in the creation of a new version of the video for “Man In The Mirror” - “Portrait Of Change” - which is shown on MTV, with footage of the Presidential campaign and some of the areas needing the most changes: poverty, homelessness and the environment.
On January 26, 1993, at a press conference held at Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, a novel U.S. Children’s Relief Initiative,"Heal L.A.", is announced by Jackson, a collaborative effort sustained by "Cities in Schools", "Big Brothers/Big Sisters", "BEST Foundation", "Watta Health Foundation", and "Partnership for a Drug Free America", with the mission to battle urban-area troubles and those of their young denizens through instructive programs featuring AIDS prevention, a substance-free living, as well as counseling and immunization campaigns.
On January 31, 1993, Michael Jackson performs at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California for Superbowl XXVII’s halftime of Dallas' 52-17 trouncing of Buffalo, this raising NBC's halftime rating higher than the Super Bowl action before it. Unlike many previous years, he was the only performer in the entire halftime show and his set included message-oriented songs such as"Jam" (with the beginning of "Why You Wanna Trip On Me"), "Billie Jean" and "Black or White". The finale featured a video montage showing Jackson participating in various humanitarian efforts around the world, and a choir of 3,500 local Los Angeles area children singing "We Are The World", later joining Jackson as he sings his single, "Heal the World". A giant inflatable Globe also rises on the center of the stage, as is the case with each Dangerous and later HIStory concert. The foundation’s initiative,“Heal L.A.” is launched in conjuction with his appearance at Superbowl XXVII. The NFL pays performers only for their expenses, but it donated 100,000 dollars to Jackson's ‘Heal the World Foundation’, named for one of the songs he sang at halftime. Radio City’s Music Hall marketing and special events expert, Arlen Kantarian, declares shortly after the singer’s demise that he recalls Jackson pushing to sing newer songs from his then newly released "Dangerous" album, as opposed to older songs like "Billie Jean" and "Black or White." According to Kantarian, Jackson said, "'Billie Jean's' just a tune; it doesn't mean anything,'" and "It's a new world; this has to be about 'Heal the World.'"
In February, 1993, the entertainer sends his condolences to the parents of two-year-old James Bulger, then murdered in Liverpool, Merseyside by 2 older minors.
In February, 1993, in association with "Sega", "HTW" distributes over 108,000 dollars of computer games and equipment to children’s hospitals, housings and charities in the U.K.
In March, 1993, it is announced that Michael Jackson has formed an independent film company dedicated to producing uplifting movies. Michael Jackson Productions, Inc., will donate a share of its profits to the singer’s Heal The World Foundation. Another project Jackson is reported to be involved in, also dedicated to children, is a plan to form an entertainment and educational cable television network. Jackson was partners in the venture with former junk bond king, Michael Milken.
In 1993, Michael Jackson tops a list of the music industry’s Who’s Who participating on comedy actor and occasional singer Eddie Murphy’s third musical album, ‘Love’s Alright’, “JET”’s April 23 issue reveals. A variety of charities will benefit from proceeds from the sales of the Murphy-written single, ‘Yeah’, and it features voices as Michael and Janet Jackson, Paul McCartney, Julio Iglesias, Luther Vandross or Garth Brooks. The single’s proceeds would be funneled through Murphy’s “Yeah Foundation”, which he founded soon after the single had been recorded. Eddie Murphy’s album, ‘Love’s Alright’, also features a duet between himself and Michael Jackson, titled “Whatzupwitu”, the video for this song being released that year. The song, featuring the Boys Choir of Harlem, bears the message that man and the world are God’s creations and He is the overseer of all, both good and evil, and the video is a light-hearted look at Murphy and Jackson singing and dancing against a backdrop of blue skies, clouds, hearts, birds and flowers. Jackson, who featured Murphy in his “Remember The Time” short film, agreed to be a part of the two mentioned projects.
On April 26, 1993, as part of his "Heal L.A." tour, Jackson pays an unannounced visit to the "Watta Health Foundation" and two school centers from "Los Angeles South Central", where he engages in discussions with the children and the service staff providers of the immunization, mentoring and drug-abuse prevention programs. He also poses for pictures with the children in need of the mentioned programs, and embraces them. Jackson's "Heal L.A." and "Heal The World Foundation" will provide much needed funding to many inner-city organizations, including to the "El Santo Nino Center" on East 23rd Street, where the singer meets with the children later in the afternoon. His final stop that day is the "Horusman Middle School", where he listens to children boasting of a special mentoring program.
On May 5, 1993, former American President, Mr. Jimmy Carter, and Michael Jackson, then chairmen of the "Heal Our Children/Heal The World" initiative, visit Atlanta, Georgia to promote their "Atlanta Project Immunization Drive", sponsored by"Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.", "Ronald McDonald Children's Charities" etc., and commissioned to increase the number of children benefiting from local immunization services to over 17,000, by means of a family health care system.
In June, 1993, he announces that "HTW"s total earnings of 1,25 million dollars, along with his entire "Super Bowl XXVII"proceeds from that year will be funneled to "Heal L.A." to the children having suffered from the Los Angeles’ riots at the time. In the same month, he invites 100 children at his home from "Challengers Boys" and "Girls Clubs" in Los Angeles. The Big Brothers of Los Angeles give Jackson a rocking chair made by a woman who made them for President Kennedy and the Pope. Another group of children visiting the ranch get a sneak peak preview of “Tom & Jerry: The Movie”. The film wasn't scheduled to begin running in theaters until July 30, but the artist received an advance copy from Joseph Barbera.
On June 10, 1993, Michael Jackson attends an afternoon rally at a middle school in Los Angeles, California, to launch a newDAREPLUS (‘Play and Learn Under Supervision’) program for the school, an initiative educating children on the perils of substance abuse and gang memberships/grouping. Jackson was a member of the Board of Directors of DARE (‘Drug Abuse Resistance Education’) and he was presented with a t-shirt for which he said: “Thank you very much. I love you all. Thank you.”
On June 18, 1993, he pays a visit to a hospital in Washington, D.C. for several hours, speaks to the children and plays chess with them.
“Together For Our Children”, a syndicated special, begins airing in June, 1993. The special was put together to help raise funds for children immunization. Jackson lends a performance of "Jam" from London's Wembley Stadium to be included in the special.
In early July, Jackson sends Mallory Cyr, an eight year old girl suffering from a rare intestinal disorder, a check and a promise to call. He has responded to a letter writing campaign conducted by school children in Sabattus, Maine. Jackson's note reads,"I am sending you all my loving and caring, Mallory, along with the enclosed gift, which I hope will help nourish you and keep you strong."
In August, 1993, "HTW" partners with "Pepsi-Cola Thailand" to endow 40,000 dollars to the "Crown Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's" foundation and to the Rural School Children and Youth Development Fund, as a sponsorship for school meal programs in the villages of Thailand. In the same month, new ambulances reach "Contacts One Independent Living Center for Children" in Moscow, Russia and the "Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez" in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Dangerous tour's next stop was Fukoka, Japan. Jackson arrives in Fukoka on September 7 and performs 2 concerts there.He also visits a school affiliated to a U.S. naval base there. At his September 10th concert in Japan, there is also one special fan who got to see Jackson perform. The artist has flown a terminally ill Dutch boy, 15 year old Martijn Hendricsen, and his two brothers to Japan via “Make A Wish Foundation”. They were driven in a twenty three foot gold limousine to Amsterdam airport to meet with the entertainer and see the concert.
On September 13, 1993, while on his Dangerous tour in Moscow, Russia, for his concert there, he goes shopping in Moscowand tours the Kremlin Museum and armoury. On September 15, he postpones his flight out of Moscow, instead goes to visit a hospital for mentally challenged children there, who rejoice at seeing him and fight for his attention. One of his aides says that the singer has asked for one of the children to be flown to America for care and treatment which Jackson will pay for. The singer holds a few children in his arms and on his lap, comforts and plays with them and wishes to entertain them: “I’d like to sing with them. We all know a song together”, he says, visibly emotional. He also visits children in a nearby orphanage, who will sing a song to him in Russian, turning him – the ultimate performer, into an attentive spectator.
On September 20, 1993, during his stay in Tel Aviv, Israel, Jackson visits ill patients at a hospital, speaks to and passes toys to them, waves to an extensive congregation of admirers from his hotel balcony and throws down pieces of memorabilia to them. He also visits the Tsirn Army Base there. Meantime, Jackson’s associate, "Pepsi", warrants 160,000 dollars for the "Ghandi Foundation for Children", resulted from the singer’s concerts in New Delhi, India.
Earlier in October, 1993, Jackson's thirty-five year old cousin, Tony Jackson, dies in a car accident. While he was not able to return home for the funeral (being on tour in Mexico, and having been performed surgery on an abscessed tooth), he pays all of the funeral expenses.
In October, 1993, grants totaling in 100,000 dollars are distributed to the "Children's Defense Fund"; "Children's Diabetes Foundation"; "Atlanta Project", and "Boys and Girl Clubs" in Newark, New Jersey, to further the provision of health services for children.
In Buenos Aires, Argentina, October, 1993, the entertainer donates thousands of tickets to his October 6 Dangerous concert to ill, needy and disadvantaged children.
From October 15 to 17, 1993, he is Brazil for two concerts in Sao Paolo. In Rio de Janeiro, he donates thousands of tickets to the gigs for underprivileged children and visits a hospital, including one of his fans checked in it. At the time, concert promoter Dodi Sirena recalls a "sensitive" artist who asked for an amusement park to be reserved for his use, then invited children from the poorest public schools. "He displayed great concern for everything in the country, with poverty, with street children," Sirena says. 2 years later, he would film in Rio de Janeiro, in the Dona Marta slum. “This process to make Dona Marta better started with Michael Jackson,” press liaison for Rio’s office of tourism, Claudia Silva says. “Now it's a safe favela. There are no drug dealers anymore, and there's a massive social project. But all the attention started with Michael Jackson.”
On October 28, 1993, Michael Jackson enables 5000 deprived children in Mexico to visit "El Nuevo Reino Aventura Park", home of whale Keiko. In the same month, Jackson passes thousands of concert tickets to the necessitous children of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and provides thousands of such children with another set of tickets in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
On November 5, 1993, he attends a children’s festivity at "Hard Rock Cafe" in Mexico City, dedicated to the homeless ones from the "Tere Alarcon" orphanage.
In December, 1993, "HTWF", in association with "Gorbachev Foundation USA", renders 60,000 vaccine doses to the impoverished children of Tbilisi, Georgia.
On December 16, 1993, Michael Jackson and "HTWF" offer support to U.K.’s "Operation Christmas Child", the organization’s children airlifting over 100,000 (other sources state 30,000) of 'shoebox gifts' of toys, sweets, school items, photographs, letters and the like to the children in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In 1994, Michael Jackson presents 500,000 dollars to the "Elisabeth Taylor’s AIDS Foundation".
In early 1994, Jackson has reportedly resurrected an earlier project. He was to have contributed a song to the Adams Family Values soundtrack. That song, "Is This Scary", is now being finished along with an extended length video. The video, financed by the artist, was said to cost 6 million dollars.
On January 7, 1994, the pop star organizes, on occasion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, a gala for 100 needy children at his Neverland residence. Meanwhile, "HTWF", with partners "Unihealth" and "Los Angeles Immunization Coalition", disseminate vaccines to the homeless children in Los Angeles, beggared by a damaging earthquake in the area. Moreover, the singer’s"HTWF", along with "Discovery Playthings", hands hundreds of toys to children attending an immunization drive. "Heal L.A.",additionally, donates more than 85,000 dollars to the "Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center", "Casa Rutilio Grande", "Clinica Para Las Americas", "Families in New Directions", "Meeting Each Need With Dignity", "Proyecto Esperanza", "Pueblo Nuevo", and "Vaughn Street Family Center" sheltering the victims of the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley earthquake. Associated with "General Electric", "Lever Brothers" and "Surf Wash", "HTWF" deliver washers, dryers and soap to 25 NGO’s, as well as free laundry services, all for the earthquake-stricken people, in addition, along with "Heal L.A." and "Salvation Army", 400 homeless people and their children are invited to spend a day at "Universal Studios". Michael Jackson and his residence are also hosts to 100 children from the "Community Youth Sports and Arts Foundation" in Los Angeles, whom he speaks and plays with, poses for pictures and signs autographs; the children, moreover, watch film "Beethoven's 2nd" with him in his amusement park, and visit his private zoo.
In 1994, 500, 000 dollars in earnings derived from "The Jackson Family Honors" event held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada are pledged to several charities not controlled by the Jacksons, such as an entertainment industry earthquake relief fund, Friends of Conservation, and the Library of Congress - American Popular Music Program. Television broadcast fees and ticket revenues of the gala were estimated at 6 million dollars. The remaining 5.5 million dollars are said to be funneled to "Family Caring for Families", a then recent Jackson family NGO. At the mentioned gala fundraiser and tribute to actress, Elizabeth Taylor and music mogul, Berry Gordy, Michael Jackson joins members of his family and other artists, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Celine Dion, Bruce Hornsby, Gladys Knight and Dionne Warwick to perform "If You Only Believe", a relief anthem speaking about the blessings of life, regardless of its inevitable perils. The entertainer originally has not wished to be present at the event, only a couple of months before being discharged from a facility where he recuperated following the 1993 false allegations that took a hold on him, but relents to his family's wishes. He takes the stage to present Gordy and Taylor with their honors, after which the two of them each say their speech of support towards Jackson, Gordy stressing, "Michael, I believed in you when you were 9, and I'll never stop believing in you!", after which he embraces a gracious Jackson. The Honors were broadcasted on NBC three days after the taping, on February 22, 1994.
In the summer of 1994, "HTWF", in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District, "I Have A Dream Foundation", "Best Buddies", "Overcoming Obstacles" and "California One To One", provides 2000 children with tickets to see singer Janet Jackson, the L.A. Laker Jam and The Beach Boys in concert; in the fall of the same year, "Heal L.A." funds implementation of the Los Angeles Team Mentoring Program in six Los Angeles Unified School District Middle Schools, from the South Central Los Angeles and the Pico Union Districts, reaching over 1,000 young people, and utilizing 300 volunteers.
On June 23, 1994, the singer visits Cab Calloway in a New York Hospital. Cabell "Cab" Calloway III (December 25, 1907 – November 18, 1994) was an American jazz singer and bandleader, and in May, 1994 suffered a stroke leading to his passing six months later.
On August 6, 1994, Jackson and then wife, Lisa Marie Presley, visit two children’s facilities in Budapest, Hungary: the Heim Pal Hospital For Children and the Bethesda Hospital, while shooting the Communist-themed video for the HIStory album. The singer distributes an estimated 2,600 toys to the afflicted young patients, while "HTWF", along with partners "Toys 'R' Us" and "AmeriCares", distribute 20,000-dollar-worth toys, food and provisions suchlike therein. Author of "Michael Jackson – The Visual Documentary", Adrian Grant, also present at the facilities, remembers a highlight of this event 10 years later in an interview for a fan magazine: "During the visit, the most amazing thing happened, when Michael brought a smile on the face of a dying 8-year old girl who had lain motionless and silent for weeks. […] [She] reached out and touched Michael’s hand. It was great to see the positive effect Michael’s superstar status could have on a person. […]", says Grant. Jackson also offers to purchase a respiratory machine for the Bethesda Hospital.
On August 21, 1994, the Jacksons, minus Randy, perform at a U.K. Scientology fund-raiser, “For The Children Of The World.” It remains unclear whether Michael J. attended the event, although his then wife was and still is a devout member of the controversial Church of Scientology.
In 1994, Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley visit almost each room in the St. Jude Hospital in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. He hands out toys and signs autographs to the ill children, then stops to chat with some of them. 10-year old leukemia patient, Kristen Sidman (sp) is one of them, whom he tells, while stroking her head, “You are going to get better…”,then adds, “She’s shy as I am – (I) can’t believe it”.
In March, 1995, Michael Jackson and "HTWF" provide specialized treatment to 4-year-old patient, Bela Farkas, who was abandoned by his mother and in need of a liver transplant, the singer, together with then wife, Lisa Presley, also visiting and befriending the boy a year before at the "Bethesda Children's Hospital" in Budapest, Hungary, Jackson paying for the ultimately successful surgery expenses and care. The estimated cost for the transplant was 120,000 dollars. He also meets a girl admirer from Krusevac, Serbia, backstage, following his concert in Budapest, and empathizes on the struggles of Serbian people, praising their history to her.
* At a children’s hospital (name not specified, possibly the Bethesda Children’s Hospital…?), accompanied by then wife, Lisa Marie Presley, he donates 60,000 dollars for financing the surgery a little dying boy, according to the first issue of “Michael Jackson – Music Fans Special”.
On March 3, 1995, Michael Jackson attends two-year old (murdered) Craig Fleming’s memorial service, pays his surviving brother’s medical costs, establishes a trust fund in benefit of the latter, as well as dedicates song "Childhood" from his "HIStory"album in his memory. He also involves himself in founding the "Community School/Safety Havens Initiative", with the purpose of creating a secure environment for the L.A. students, families and residents, and consisting in after-school activities, namely computer instruction, languages, mathematics and sports. In the mentioned year, "HTWF" brings forth entertainment figures to support "Heal L.A."s initiatives, such as pop/rap singers Kriss Kross (who visit patients at the "George C. Page Children's Hospital Community Health Center", in support of Heal L.A. Immunization Initiative), Raven-Symone and Bryton McClure (who visit students at Bancroft Middle School, in support of Heal L.A. Mentoring Initiative).
In 1995, "HTWF" and "International Rescue Committee" ship two pallets of toys to children in war-torn Bosnia-Herzegovina. The singer further supports the rescue and release of caged dolphins by addressing a plea to authorities concerning proper legal approach on the dolphins’ life standards from zoos and parks. In the meantime, "Heal L.A." continues to support the"Community School/Safety Havens Initiative" by including over 1200 more families to the curriculum and extending its timetable.
On April 18, 1995, "HTWF", "Permanent Charities" and "EC2000" finance transportation facilities for 46 children from 18 countries to attend the "World Congress of Children" ("WCC") held at Neverland, a 3-day seminar and leadership preparation tackling children’s critical issues, such as reports on Switzerland’s child rights, the solutions being submitted by "HTWF" and"WWC" for the "World Summit of Children", during the United Nations’ Golden Jubilee in California. Jackson and his wife at the time, Lisa Presley, welcome the children to the residence. Additionally, "HTW" and "International Rescue Committee" channel 2 boxes of toys to the war regions of Bosnia-Herzegovina, while, along with "WCC" and "Children's Torch of Hope", convey "WCC"s mission and statement across the U.S. at over 30 events.
Travis Thomas, a 5-year old boy who suffers from cystic fibrosis, wished to meet the entertainer, the issue number 2 of History Magazine reveals in 1995; his wish comes true in June through Jackson and the Make A Wish Foundation, a non-profit group that fulfills the dreams of children suffering from fatal illnesses and which Jackson would support for many years. Travis and his family, along with 20 other seriously ill children, spent a weekend at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch and were allowed to roam around the compound’s private amusement park. “The love this man has on his face when he is with these special children is unbelievable. He is one of the kindest and most gentle men I have ever met’, Travis’ mother says. “One evening, we were watching TV and Travis hadn’t eaten for a couple of days. He was on TV”, Thomas recalls, “and we came across the American Music Awards and Michael Jackson… Travis sat up and wanted to eat… He said, ‘I love Michael Jackson, Mama!”.
Minister Louis Farrakhan reveals, for the first time, during a public lecture in Chicago, July 26, 2009, that the entertainer quietly donated 100,000 dollars to the historic ‘Million Man March’ from October 16, 1995. ‘The Million Man March’ was a gathering of social activists, en masse, held in Washington, D.C.. Under the leadership of Nation of Islam head, Louis Farrakhan, African American men from across the United States converged on Washington in an effort to “convey to the world a vastly different picture of the Black male” and to unite in self-help and self-defense against economic and social ills plaguing the African American minority/community.
In December, 1995, "HTWF" and the youth ambassadors of "WCC" address a statement to the "Guardians of the Future"monument in Mexico City, co-sponsored by "EC2000", "Terra Christa Communications", "UNICEF", the mayor’s office in Mexico City and the "Coalition for Children of the Earth".
In 1995, singer, dancer, and choreographer Michael Jackson rehearses for what would have been a concert with “just the man, just the moves, just the music”, a special due for cable-network, HBO, and titled “Michael Jackson: One Night Only”. On August 17, 1995, on occasion of a live-chat interview with his fans (Simulchat), he announces the existence of this project: “I’m doing an HBO special, and it’s intimate. It’s close-up. It will allow me to do things I’ve never done before.” Jackson also rehearsed a special pantomime number for the show with internationally acclaimed French actor and mime, Marcel Marceau and planned to accompany this act with song, “Childhood”, and had other 25 songs planned or performing, notably "Black Or White", "Dangerous", "Smile" and "You Are Not Alone". The concert was set to be aired on Sunday, December 10, 1995, 8 p.m., at New York’s historic Beacon Theater, but it was cancelled because Jackson had collapsed on December 6, while rehearsing for this special due to a severe case of gastro-enteritis, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances and was rushed to Beth Israel Medical Center in New York where he remained hospitalized until December 13. William Alleyne II, the artist’s doctor for almost two weeks at the time, speaks for the first time since Jackson’s life-threatening experience, a month after his untimely demise fourteen years after: “Mr. Jackson was in critical condition, Alleyne says. He was dehydrated. He had low blood pressure. He had a rapid heart rate. He was near death. […] Michael Jackson was unconscious when he arrived. I had to make that clear.” Alleyne adds that he found no immune system problems and no drugs while examining Jackson and, eventually, he was stabilized. “Michael Jackson was the most soft-spoken, least demanding guy you would ever want to meet, Alleyne says. Everything he said was a whisper. His biggest concern was could he perform.” Alleyne advised the singer against it. Near the end of Jackson's hospital stay, he asked Alleyne if he could visit other patients in intensive care. Jackson met one lady, gave her an autographed picture after he prayed with her, and the lady told Alleyne, ‘I can die now; I prayed with Michael Jackson’. “I told Mr. Jackson maybe visiting with people who had suffered heart attacks or other serious problems wasn't such a good idea.” Before Alleyne left the hotel that day, Alleyne recalls Jackson telling him: “Thank you for saving my life”. Then Jackson told Alleyne he understood how difficult it had been for a black man to get to such a distinguished position within the medical world, that Alleyne's accomplishments were inspiring to Jackson. “It was very touching, Alleyne says. I will never forget that. That to this day he is so loved comes as no surprise to me. He was very gracious and kind”, Jackson’s former doctor adds. The “One Night Only” show was put on hold and soon after Jackson’s hospitalization, his then wife, Lisa Marie Presley, would file for divorce. Asked about a possible reschedule by a fan during a VH-1 interview in 1996, the artist said there were plans for the concert to still happen in South Africa. The show would, however, not be rescheduled indefinitely.
In 1995, all proceeds from the sales of two French perfumes, "Mystique de Michael Jackson" and "Legende de Michael Jackson", named after the singer, go to charity.
In February, 1996, "HTWF/WCC" youth ambassadors from Mexico exhibit a model for sustainability to the U.N. Habitat II Prep. Committee; later on, the 2 NGO’s attend "Children First: A Global Forum" in Atlanta, Georgia, event hosted by former President, Mr. Jimmy Carter, Mrs. Rosalynn Carter, "Carter Center", and "Task Force for Child Survival", and co-financed by"Rockefeller Foundation", "Annie E. Casey Foundation", "World Bank" and "Heal the World", gathering 360 representatives from 100 countries to discuss strategies on the improvement and development of children’s lives. "HTW" and "WCC" also assist the "Spectrum of Light Youth Conference" in Washington , D.C., with the intention to create new collaborations benefiting a sustainable society in a thriving environment.
On June 21, 1996, Michael Jackson donates his four-time platinum "HIStory (...)" C.D. to the Dunblane appeal in Sevenoaks, U.K.
Prior to the starting off the HIStory World Tour, Michael Jackson performs a free-of-charge concert at the Disney-themed Jerudong Park Amphitheatre in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, on July 16, 1996, attended by 60,000 people. The 2-hour show was in celebration of the 50th birthday of Hassanal Bolkiah, the Sultan of Brunei, and was attended by the Brunei royal family, excepting the Sultan himself.
Starting with July 18, 1996, Jackson visits South Africa for a few days, arrives in Johannesburg, where he attends a private birthday for then President Nelson Mandela on the mentioned date. Mandela invites an estimated 2000 children to the party and poses with the singer before cutting a birthday cake for his 78th birthday at Hilton College in Kwazulu-Natal. Jackson has taken time off from touring, to visit South Africa where he also reveals he is writing a song about him. Mandela, stepping out on to a patio to greet the media, turnes to Jackson and says, “I can see who is the world leader. I have never seen so many journalists!” While in South Africa, Jackson also visits the black township of Soweto, where he lays a wreath of flowers at the memorial to honor the youngsters who were shot dead by South Africa’s security forces during the 1976 Apartheid riots, and renders a bouquet of white roses, carnations and lilies in remembrance of 11-year-old leukemia victim, Jaymee Bowen. Meanwhile, the highest bid for a Neverland visit on behalf of the star is obtained at the “Cities in School” celebrity auction and, with the aid of radio “KIIS-FM” in Los Angeles, 115,000 dollars are delivered to school pupils.
Michael Jackson returns to Budapest, Hungary in July 22, 23, 1996, to meet with now healthy Bela Farkas at the Bethesda Hospital, as well as other young patients in the hospital. Farkas was diagnosed with liver failure two years before and was in need of a transplant, the arrangements for which having been made by the entertainer a year before. He also visits the Hungarian Parliament, and attends a children’s show in the Nep Stadium, where he interacts with children and holds some in his arms.
In September, 1996, the artist is guest of honor at "Hope", the first sports festivity for underprivileged children, where 3000 children and 600 volunteers have participated.
On September 6, 1996, in Prague, the Czech Republic, he visits the city, sorties to hospitals and orphanages to see ailing children and hand out presents, including a video recorder to one children’s home. He also meets with President at the time, Vaclav Havel, in the capital’s spectacular old castle and shows him around the presidential offices.
On September 13, in Bucharest, Romania, he gives away toys and sweets to and plays with children from the "Leaganul De Copii Sfanta Ecaterina" state home, which he also visited back in 1992, and which he also acknowledges with 35 million Lei (1 million dollars). Jackson visits a children's hospital as well, where he plays with the toddlers there. On arriving in Bucharest, September 12, he, alongside the Cascio family children, kneels before a monument - a cross in University Square dedicated to the victims of the 1989 Romanian revolution, and lays flowers. He also is a guest at the Parliament Palace where children are giving performances for him, including for "Heal the World", which Jackson sings along to. As during many of his tours' stops, Jackson takes time to tour the city and sightsee the famous architecture there.
On October 1, 1996, he donates earnings from one of his concerts in Tunisia to the "National Solidarity Fund", charity dedicated to fighting poverty. On October 3, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, he visits hospitals "Ronald McDonald House" and"AMC", interacts with the patients and distributes toys and other presents to them. A unit from one of the hospitals (for parents who want to be with their children) is named after Jackson. That month, Jackson also visits a facility for challenged children in Kaoshiung, Taiwan, and offers 2000 free concert tickets to them.
On November 1, 1996, Jackson donates most of the proceeds from the HIStory concert in Bombay, India to the poor and destitute. The superstar flew in to India in a private jet. Sabbas Joseph, director of Wizcraft, the event management agency that had the airport shut down on his arrival recalls 14 years later: “Michael met the CM and Raj Thackeray. This was followed by an aarti by Sonali Bendre. As he was walking out, a strange incident occurred. A child fell down and Jackson immediately glided over and picked him up. He held him and hugged him with such care like he was the child’s mother.”, recounts Sabbas. “The (1993) allegations seemed all wrong. Michael even shot with 100 children in India for a calendar that he was producing”, he continues. On his way from the airport, he stopped the car several times to dance with the poor. Sabbas adds that Jackson was even willing to postpone his visit for a day or two in India to meet Mother Teresa. But that didn’t work out. Viraf Sarkari, co-director at Wizcraft, recalls that all the celebrities and industrialists wanted to meet him. “We arranged meet-and-greet sessions with him. Michael kept all his commitments. He was a gentle person and met everyone respectfully.” Sabbas echoes the sentiment that Jackson was the easiest international artiste to work with, as he was very humble and the staff very professional. Both directors acknowledge that Jackson had a great spiritual connect with India. Viraf says, “We first met him in Los Angeles to confirm the concert. We were told he is very keen on performing in India. We’d presented him with a Ganesha, a Nataraj and a sherwani. And without requiring any explanation, he said, “Yes, that’s Ganesha, the god of luck.” Even when Bal Thackeray presented a silver statue of Nataraj to Jackson, the star didn’t need the politician’s explanation and said, “Yes, I know, that’s the god of dance and art.” More recountings on the visit coming from Times of India are as follows: on his arrival in India on October 31, Sonali Bendre, clad in traditional Maharashtrian (Indian State – Maharashtra) nine yard saree, performs the aarti and tilak for the singer at the airport, him being taken up with the ceremony. When being driven out of the air port in his 20-car motorcade, he stops his Toyota, removes himself from his security guards and steps out to meet the urchins lined up along the highway to catch a glimpse of him. He picks up several children, whom he hugs and kisses.
He then spends a few minutes with them before he proceeds to the Shiv Sena chief, Bal Thackeray’s residence, Matushree, in Bandra East. Here, he is presented with a silver tabla and tanpura, which are musical instruments from India. Later that evening, at the special bash organized in his honour by the concert’s organizer, Bharat Shah, at the Oberoi, he makes a brief appearance. Bharat Shah presents Jacksons with a silver replica of the Taj Mahal at the same party. At his request, a high tea is organized at the pool side where children from orphanages are invited to meet and play with him. He hands them gifts and chocolates that he has brought with him. Jackson also organizes a party for children in his hotel room on the day of the History show itself. About 50 children are invited, for whom he orders cakes and burgers. He also plays with the invited children. Jackson requests that he is provided with a few saris which he wants draped around the sofas during the photo session with the children, to give his pictures the ethnic effect. Burkhas are arranged for the singer due to him wishing to visit Aasha Daan, Mother Teresa’s ashram in Byculla, South Mumbai. But due to an extremely tight schedule, he wasn’t able to fulfill his wish.
He visits and endows a children’s home and a school for visually-impaired ones in Bangkok, Thailand with 100,000 dollars, toys and the like in November, 1996.
On November 7, 1996, 13-year old Emely Smith is granted the wish to encounter him backstage in Auckland, New Zealand, during a halt from his concert there, where he will also pay a visit on November 16 to children’s hospital, "Starship", room to room, and hands out toys, autographs and C.D.’s, respectively, to each of the young patients. The visit lasts for hours, the singer conversing to all the ailing children. He signs autographs to the children, and one cancer-stricken young girl asks the entertainer what it is like being a superstar, to which he humbly replies: "Hmm... I don't know.. I really don't. 'Cause I don't remember not performing, so it's fun to make people happy... It really is." Another boy tells him his favorite song is the singer's 1972 "Ben". When asked by a reporter how the looks on the patients' faces make him feel, he replies, his hand on his chest: "It touches my heart. I love them very much.", after which he shakes hands with the boy asking him about "Ben", then adds, hand on chest again: "It's heart-touching." "The Smith Family", a fund-raising NGO for indigent people, receives a finance portion of the artist’s Australian concerts.
In November, 1996 Michael Jackson pays a visit to the "Prince of Wales Hospital" in Brisbane, Australia, a housing of children with cancer and heart conditions, asthma and various tumors, in which he delivers autographs and toys to over 75 children. He also visits a children’s facility in Sydney, where he similarly acknowledges more patients, as well as 6-year old severely burned victim, Tjandamurra O’Shane - doused in petrol and set alight in the grounds of a primary school by an Adelaide man - at a hospital in Australia, on a halt from the HIStory tour.
On November 26, 1996, Jackson visits the "Royal Children’s Hospital" in Melbourne, Australia, where he delivers toys to and signs autographs for the children.
On December 7, 1996, on occasion of the annual Orphans Christmas Party held at the Manila Hotel in Manila, Phillippines, he donates toys to 300 children from different orphanages around Metro Manila, signs autographs and speaks to the medically cared for children; additionally, he makes known that a portion of his concerts will be used for renewing a hospital's facilities which he has also visited. A young orphan boy present at the event says: “I got separated from my mom and siblings. That's how I ended up in an orphanage... […] I became happier [after I had received the gifts from Michael]… It feels like… the sadness is gone. I’m not sad anymore.” Then P.R. officer at Manila Hotel, Gwen J. Cariño, offers a detailed insight on her blog regarding the event and its preparations alongside Jackson himself, shortly after the susperstar’s untimely passing in 2009: “Michael offered to fill up the 300 loot bags with goodies and toys, candies and chocolates. […] It was at the Champagne Gardens on Dec. 7, 1996. I was surprised to see him walking towards us, guided by his aide. Michael came up to me as I had to brief him. “Hi, how are you? Thanks so much for letting me in, I know I’m early ’coz I didn’t want to miss the program.” I said, “Are you kidding? Thanks so much for volunteering! Here’s what Michael, why don’t you just sit here and watch the musical numbers before we get into the gift giving. I will have to tweak the program a bit.” He replied, “Sure, anything you say… (pausing to look at my name tag) Gwen!” […] Amazing how he patiently sat through the whole program. Carol Banawa, then an Ang TV mainstay couldn’t believe MJ was watching her perform. She had her red blouse signed by him right after her number. Then followed Stefano Mori’s dance number. Later, his back up singers and dancers came up on stage followed by select kids from different orphanages who danced to the beat of Billie Jean. Oh, the smile on Michael’s face was just amazing. […] He later showed me and [security] Wayne other stuff people would use or pick up on the ground when they couldn’t find paper for him to sign on. One lady made him sign at the back of her elegant, designer Filipiniana gown. One teenager came up to him holding a dead leaf and another one, a popped balloon. […]” That day, Jackson also makes a visit to the pediatric ward of the Paranaque Community Hospital, in Manila, bringing cheer to the children there, as well as to 3,000 admirers who waited for him several hours, reports The Philippine Star. Inside the hospital, Jackson interracts with the young patients and their mothers, shakes their hands and kisses them. He also meets with town officials.
Michael Jackson visits the Children’s Hospital in Detroit, Michigan around 1996, signs autographs and hands over more than 200 toys to them.
On January 25, 1997, the musician waves 85% of the $5 to $6 million ticket receipts from a concert held on November 1, 1996 in Bombay, India, and donates 1,1 million dollars to a local NGO educating children dwelling in slums - "Shiv Udyog Sena” - the sum also helping to create jobs for 270,000 young unemployed people in the state of Maharashtra, Bombay; on arriving in Bombay, the singer asks to stop in order to converse with children playing in the crowded slums for 20 minutes, according to Indian journalist, Hema Shukla.
On February 16, 1997, Michael Jackson performs at a tribute to Elizabeth Taylor for her AIDS benefit concert in Los Angeles, California, aired on February 27, 1997, and titled "Happy Birthday, Elizabeth" by ABC – TV.
In early April, 1997, Michael Jackson is interviewed and photographed with his personal family by British OK! Magazine. OK! Has paid for the pictures and interview and Jackson has donated the entire 1-million-pound profit to his Heal The Worldfoundation. OK! has recently provided erroneous information on the birth of his first son, releasing selective photographs of the new-born son without the parents’ consent.
On April 19, 1997, he arrives in Paris, France at the Grévin Wax Museum for the inauguration of his wax figure there. A huge legion of fans welcome the singer, that the Grands Boulevards had to be closed off by the police, in collaboration with the Grévin Museum. After greeting the excited crowd and signing autographs to fans for over 10 minutes, Jackson and his entourage enter the Museum. French mime, Marcel Marceau makes a surprise appearance at the unveiling of Jackson’s wax figure and performs a panthomime act for the entertainer. He imprints his hands in clay, as well as offers one of his “HIStory”triple platinum record to the Museum. On exiting the building, Jackson once again greets his many admirers and signs autographs for more than 15 minutes. Melissa, a young girl brought by he parents beyond the safety barriers, runs up to him happily and hands him a photo to be autographed. He dedicates the photo to the girl and she runs off, only to return to him three more times, Jackson eventually taking her in his arms and waiting for her parents to take a picture. He also acknowledges a fan in wheelchair, bends down to her level and signs an autograp, after which reaches out to kiss her both cheeks.
Michael Jackson returns to Warsaw, Poland in an unofficial, but elaborate visit on May 28, 1997, to explore the possible venues for his new project. The local politicans are amazed, therefore decide to support the 500-million dollar investment. Rough estimates place Jackson’s intended contribution at 100-300 million dollars. A June 1, 1999 date is scheduled for the opening. While in Warsaw, his first stop there was the President’s Palace of Wilanow, which he tours alongside Professor Marek Kwiatkowski, and converses with the former President’s wife, Jolanta Kwasniewska, who expresses hope that the singer’s plans for Poland all materialize. The President of Poland at the time, Aleksander Kwasniewski, hands a plaque over to him on behalf of the city of Warsaw and they embrace. The singer shows interest in the interior decorative frieze of the Palace, as well as in the monument of King John III Sobieski. Then, Jackson visits the ‘Bristol Hotel’ and a high school, Batorego, which he tours for 15 minutes, without disturbing examinations taking place at that time. His third stop is the ‘Warsaw’s Kings Bathrooms”, enjoys the peacock, a movie on Warsaw, and tours the ‘Palace on Water’. He attends a piano concert - a Chopin recital at the Theatre of Stanislaw, after which the Major of Warsaw, Marcin Swiecicki, presents him the keys to the city and effigy of mermaid. Both Jackson and Swiecicki, furthermore, sign a letter of interest in which both parties agree to prepare for the contructions of a theme park of the first kind there. He even will set up a company in Delaware under "MJJ Poland Inc". He also attends a special dance show put together by patients from the Children’s Hospital on Litewska Street
and acknowledges, as he usually/always does, the ill young patients. That day, he will shop for children at the “Kidiland” toy store, reportedly in the amount of 670,000 dollars, then fly to Lubiaz by helicopter to visit the “Cistercian Order Palace” for 45 minutes; Jackson expresses will of having the two-story baroque building renovated and leased; he tours with same Professor Kwiatowski, very impressed by the singer’s knowledge on Polish relics. The plans to build the amusement park on a nearby military airport have won approval from state officials in February, 1998, meantime the entertainer asks Landmark to draw up sketches for the proposed theme parks, however, following the project’s approval and a huge hiatus, the army owning the airport does not agree to make it available for the park, and other two grounds pointed out by the government will also be denied due to local protests. The Polish government abandons this project altogether and nothing will come out of it.
In 1997, Michael Jackson takes part at ‘The Variety Club Of Great Britain – Central Counties Region’, a children’s charity annual event, where he presents a pair of keys to an official there, on behalf of Jackson and his Heal The World Foundation. At this point, no further information regarding the keys’ exact utility is known, but can be safely assumed it was a donation made to the Club. His wife at the time, Debbie Rowe, is also present at the event.
On June 18, 1997, he signs "Children in Need", a book auctioned by UNESCO.
On June 18, 1997, the singer attends the 30th anniversary of the Phantasialand theme-park in Germany before flying to Milano, Italy to perform a HIStory concert. In Milan, a boy from Latin America, Daniel, suffering from AIDS, meets Jackson, the entertainer also inviting him on stage and carrying him in his arms. Antoinette Parisi, the adoptive mother of Daniel, writes after the ruling of the trial 2003/2005: “I’ll never forget what you did for my son, Daniel. After meeting you, the doctors called it a miracle, because, for some months, it was like he never had AIDS. Now that justice has been served, I just wanted to express my gratitude and happiness. […] My child is not here with us anymore, but I know that from up there he is always looking over you. […]”
On July 5, 1997 Russian daily newspaper, ‘Nezavisimaya Gazeta’ publishes the information that, on July 2, 1997, Michael Jackson has donated 1,5 million dollars to the Jehova’s Witnesses organization in Russland, Russia.
On July 16 1997, one of Michael Jackson’s vans accidentally runs over an admirer’s leg as a crowd of fans sprint after his limousine, pushing an admirer to the ground and causing him a broken foot. The fan, called Joe Jenish, a then 28-year old account supervisor, later receives a phone call to inform him that Jackson knew of the accident and arranged that he meet him. The following day, Jenish goes backstage at the Wembley stadium in London, where the entertainer apologizes profusely for the accident (albeit it was not his personal fault) and signs his cast twice. Since meeting Jackson, Jenish has become an even more devoted supporter, and is currently the U.S. correspondent for the international fanzine "King," a contributor to the MJ News Fan Club, and the head of "MJ Day," an annual Michael Jackson conference.
On July 18, 1997, Christine Dowling, a 31 Irish Michael Jackson admirer suffering from Morquio syndrome, is granted the wish to meet her famous hero. The opportunity arises during Jackson’s HIStory Tour concert, when the entertainer’s security people would be looking for fans to come up on stage for the song performance of “Heal The World”. “The music for “Heal the World” came on and I was wheeled onto the stage. Michael held my hand”, Dowling recounts 13 years later. “Normally, I wouldn’t feel anything in my right hand, as I had lost feeling in it a few years before, but that night I could actually feel Michael’s hand. He turned to me as we headed off of the stage. He told me that he loved me and I knew that he really meant it!” She goes on to say: “A few hours after the concert, I could feel a burning sensation up and down my right arm. The next day, I had feeling back in my right hand. I truly believe I got my feeling back from simply holding Michael’s hand. My Ma said, “With 35,000 people singing such a positive song as “Heal the World,” you were bound to get a miracle.” […] Even though I am in a wheelchair, that night I felt like I was walking on air. […] I am so blessed and thankful that my dream came true.” Following her hero’s death, Dowling organized a tree planting in his memory, as well as a Michael Jackson Memorial 7 Fun Day on August 8, 2009, with full proceeds directed to a children’s hospital she had attended in her childhood.
On September 13, 1997, Michael Jackson attends a public memorial for late Princess Diana at a church in Los Angeles, California. On 31 August 1997, the Princess died in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris along with then boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed. Jackson also dedicates song “Gone Too Soon” to his late friend and reschedules a HIStory concert from Ostende, Belgium - that was supposed to take place precisely on August 31 – to September 3, which he dedicated in loving memory to Diana, especially his performance of "Heal The World". From the September 3 HIStory concert onward, Jackson’s cover of Charlie Chaplin’s song “Smile” is played back before each concert, pictures of the late Princess being shown on the jumbotron for some parts of the concert.
* Jackson has invited underprivileged children on stage with him in each city included in his Europe "HIStory World Tour" during world-awareness songs such as "Heal The World", similarly doing so during his "Dangerous World Tour".
* Jackson has also acknowledged his admirers and supporters throughout the years while during his tours, on occasions of events such as fan gatherings, displaying his appreciation to them by means of paper notes he would cast down from windows including, greetings, pillows and blankets. Food (such as pizza or hot chocolate), candles and the like, were delivered at his request by trucks, to each individual, and he would occasionally be inviting a few of them for a visit inside his hotel rooms for pictures and autographs. He would, additionally pay the costs for hotel accomodations for some (i.e.: in New York, following the September 11 terrorist attacks). A variety of groups (varying from families in need to his own supporters) would also be allowed to visit his mansion and its vicinities in California, including in his absence over the years, where they would help themselves with food and other facilities, as reported and/or witnessed.
* At a non-accurate date, Michael Jackson visits, offers a computer to and pays for the medical costs of a 4-year-old girl and admirer of his at a hospital, the child being gravely injured by a dog in Washington, D.C.; in addition, he makes a discrete appearance at the funeral of two children in South Carolina, drowned in a car by their mother, for whom he speaks in their memory and pays for the last rites’ expenses.
In January, 1998, Michael Jackson records a demo version of charity song, “What More Can I Give”, with tenor Luciano Pavarotti.
On May 15, 1998, Jackson participates at the "Southern Africa Economic Summit" from Windhoek, Namibia, an annual event considering the formation of a newly competitive Africa, and meets with President Patrick Nandago. The singer is there to announces his plans to build a leisure complex and shopping centers in the impoverished country, investments he hopes to improve the lives of ill and impoverished children around the world.
06 July 1998: visits the Detroit Children's Hospital in Michigan, signs autographs and donates more than 200 toys.
On July 27, 1998, he announces during a press conference in Tokyo, Japan the establishment of "Michael Jackson Japan Co.Ltd.", a new Japanese Company Wonder World - Land Of Toys. The new company's mission is the construction of theme parks and toys selling around the world.
In September, 1998, Michael Jackson befriends 5-year-old cancer-ailing Aza Woods at the "Hilton Hotel" in Las Vegas, displays the "Star Treck: The Experience" show to him and invites him to his ranch, helping with his healing stages.
In 1998, he writes and produces song "Children’s Holiday" (translated in Japanese by "Yasushi Okimoto"), a charity anthem and number-one single in Japan performed by a Japanese group, J-Friends and a children’s choir, all revenues of which being used in aid of the victims (and their families) of a devastating earthquake in Kobe City, Japan, in January, 1995. Jackson also gives world-relief song, "People Of The World", to J-Friends, which they will perform on various platforms.
People of the World - demo:
In March, 1999, the entertainer negotiates with a consortium led by Malaysian entrepreneur, Abdul Rahman, to donate a certain amount of money to help create four African universities in Tunisia, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa, which would be named after him.
In May, 1999, Jackson is involved in the "Pavarotti & Friends for War Child" charity concert in Modena, Italy, event ultimately earning 1 million dollars for "United Nations High Commission for Refugees", an NGO benefiting refugees from Kosovo, with the help of the "Safe Children" project. The singer could not be present at the event on health purposes of his first son, the late tenor performing Jackson’s "We Are The World" instead with the event’s artists for the finale in his absence. At an uncertain date, Jackson is said to have recorded a compact disc in honor of late Princess Diana, together with singer Paul McCartney and late Luciano Pavarotti.
On May 9, 1999, the pop star participates, alongside other artists, in the "No Boundaries" relief album, the proceeds of which being intended for providing food and shelter for the Kosovo victims.
In June, 1999, Michael Jackson performs at the “Michael Jackson & Friends – The Power of Humanity” two sell-out stadiums spellbound, to an audience capacity of 45,000 in Seoul, Korea (June 25) and 60,000 in Munich, Germany (June 27). Among the star friends of Jackson invited to perform were: Mariah Carey, Vanessa Mae, Slash, All Saints, The Scorpions, Status Quo, Ringo Starr, Boyz II Men, Andrea Boccelli, Luther Vandross, Luciano Pavarotti, Kelly Family, A. R. Rahman, Prabhu Deva Sundaram and Shobana. The concerts raised approximately 3,3 million dollars for charities Red Cross, UNESCO and the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund. Both concerts were televised in Europe and Asia to a massive viewer response.
On September 4, 1999, at the 4th Kora All-Africa Music Awards in Sun City, South Africa, Michael Jackson presents Mr. Nelson Mandela and his "Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund" with a check for 1 million rand (166,400 dollars, - a portion of the proceeds from the "Michael Jackson and Friends" concerts from June 25, 1999 in Seoul, South Korea and June 27, 1999 in Munich, Germany), the former President declaring the following on the donation: "The trustees of the Children's Foundation and myself would like to express our deepest appreciation to our friend, Michael Jackson. He is a supporter of worthy causes and I'm happy that the foundation is tonight one of his benefitions (sic). [...] And the contribution of Michael Jackson, I hope, will inspire people not only in our country, but throughout the world, to follow his example and to bring a measure of happiness to our children. [...]" In addition, the 3,3-million-dollar grossings of the "Michael Jackson and Friends – The Adventure of Humanity"benefit concerts held in Seoul, Korea and Munich, Germany, advantage "UNESCO", "Nelson Mandela's Children's Fund" and "International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies". "What More Can I Give" is the key-phrase utilized in these concerts – "the concept of giving" - , and a child’s face is shown on the videotron screens during certain parts of the Munich concert.
On December 4, 1999, Michael Jackson attends singer Whitney Houston’s Fund Raising Event at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York.
The New Millennium:
In January, 2000, Michael Jackson performs at the "Evening of Stars" telethon, organized by the "United Negro College Fund", the event collecting 13,5 million dollars.
On January 22, 2000, Jackson, alongside other artists, engages in financing the restoration of the "Chateau de Versailles" park, 10,000 trees from which being demolished in a tempest, and donates certain items to the 4th annual online auction by the "T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS Research".
On September 19, 2000, on occasion of an interview for BBC Radio Oxford, London Times' "Millennium Preacher of the Year" at the time, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, offers some tidbits on then friend, Michael Jackson, and his "genuine devotion" for children, including his (the Rabbi’s). He recounts that, on occasion of Jackson’s 42 Birthday at his Neverland ranch – to which Boteach and his family were invited – the singer also welcomed a critically ill ten-year old boy, suffering from leukemia, and his family for four days. The singer would treat him to the amusements of his home, speak to him in order to help him gain post-chemotherapy confidence and pays his medical expenses, as in more such cases involving the deprived, Boteach adds, (as part of Jackson’s relief efforts outside the public eye), continuing to say that the pop star would weekly invite hundreds of children from inner city schools for day trips to his ranch, spending "millions of dollars on children who are in need", an affirmation confirmed by the singer himself, by others who have been/were in contact with Jackson and some of the media reports. Moreover, Boteach also recounts that, after reading a piece of news on a critically cancer ailing boy, Jackson asked the staff of a New York hospital to install a telephone in the boy’s room, the singer then phoning the young patient daily, his paedatrician confirmed.
In October, 2000, Michael Jackson and his family support "Wave To The World", an official fund-raising project of the Paralympic Games 2000 in Sydney, Australia, alongside a host of other stars, contacted by project founders, Mark Filby and Stephen White. Jackson puts on an orange "Wave To The World" T-shirt and participates in a video for a song, "Spirit of Life",beside siblings Rebbie Jackson and Jermaine Jackson, the latter acting as executive producer of the song. Michael Jackson, later on, invites founder Mark Filby at the Jacksons’ Hayvenhurst residence, into a room filled with memorabilia, dedicated by the entertainer to his family. A video compilation with the participating stars "waving" is, in addition, created, among whom Jermaine Jackson, Rebbie Jackson, mother Katherine Jackson and Michael Jackson.
On October 28, 2000, escorted by actress and friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, he attends the "Carousel of Hope" ball - a fund-raising gala addressing juvenile diabetes, held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, where he donates a self-painted plate, and a limited-edition poster at the "African Ambassadors’ Spouses" annual gala, organization directed to treating children suffering from AIDS. The "Carousel of Hope" Ball raised more than 6 million dollars benefiting the Children's Diabetes Foundation. Marvin and Barbara Davis, founder of the "Carousel of Hope" evening of charity fund-raising, hosted the mentioned lavish lunch for the out-of-town guests, plus participants in the fundraiser. Among those who stopped by to hug Michael Jackson is Berry Gordy Jr., his discoverer, and Susanne de Passe, as well as Shirley MacLaine, Carrie Fisher, Joan Collins, David Foster, Toni Braxton, Sidney Poitier, Gregory Peck, Neil Diamond, Dustin Hoffman, Morgan Freeman, Pierce Brosnan, Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sylvester Stallone, Charlotte Church, to name but a few.
On November 20, 2000 the entertainer attends the birthday party of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in Englewood, New Jersey, USA, and meets young Elissa Mingino, a 7-year old girl suffering from leukaemia. Her biggest dream was to meet with her favourite singer: Michael Jackson.
On December 20, 2000, in thunderous applause, he makes a surprise stage appearance at WKTU 3rd Annual Holiday Concert, the "Miracle On 34th Street" relief event in Madison Square Garden, New York, alongside other artists who performed their finale with Whitney Houston in the lead, such as Backstreet Boys, Melanie C., Ricky Martin, Destiny’s Child, Toni Braxton, Marc Anthony or Christina Aguilera. The singer embraces Houston as he enters the stage and shakes hands with all the gathered stars. Jackson addresses a few words to the audience, including a “Merry Christmas” holiday wish and joins the other performers for the encore, but didn't perform solo due to a case of laryngitis. He was a special guest of honor that night.
On February 14, 2001, in New York, Michael Jackson, in association with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and "L’Chaim Society",announces via a seminar, the establishment of "Heal The Kids", a HTW campaign lasting a year (2001) with the mission to help parents worldwide rededicate themselves to their children, by providing them with sufficient attending and moral support. Three years afterwards, Boteach declares that the charity completed its purpose.
On March 7, 2001, the day following his critically acclaimed speech at Oxford University in London, he attends ‘MJ Day 10”,the tenth anniversary fan event and charity auction from the Hammersmith Apollo Theatre in London, even though in crutches due to a severe leg pain. The party has been organized, as always, by Adrian Grant, author of ‘Michael Jackson: The Visual Documentary”. A visibly hurting, but strong Jackson welcomes the crowd and says a few words on taking the stage in front of 3000 excited fans. The event features 100 performers which Jackson describes as ‘beautiful and incredible’, and is, additionally, a charity auction featuring Jackson memorabilia also unfolds, when a hat, personally signed by Jackson will be purchased for over 1,000 dollars, a personal phonecall by him on a lucky person’s birthday is also out for bidding, in addition to one of his jackets worn at the WMA the year before, and other smaller items which Jackson has donated for the ‘Movie For Action’ charity auction; the mentioned NGO is associated with “UNICEF” in projects concerning African children and mothers with AIDS. Other proceeds from the evening go to Michael Jackson's "Heal The Kids" initiative. This fan event will give him the inspiration to develop the show further and in 2005, he will put ‘Thriller Live’ into production alongside Grant.
On March 26, 2001, Jackson delivers books to children attending a theater play in Newark, New Jersey, upon the opening the"Michael Jackson International Book Club", a "Heal The Kids" charitable subsidiary sponsoring juvenile reading and parental reading to children. Jackson is accompanied by Rabbi Schmuley Boteach and friend Frank Cascio.
On October 21, 2001, Michael Jackson performs alongside a host of other artists (Al Green, Bette Midler, Backstreet Boys, Destiny's Child, Mariah Carey, Usher, Pink and more) his relief songs "We Are The World", "Man In The Mirror" and "What More Can I Give" at "United We Stand: What More Can I Give", a benefit concert organized by the artist and held at the RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C., and collecting 15 million dollars for the victims of the terrorist attacks in New York City, N.Y. The benefit gig was the third major concert in tribute to the 9/11 attacks. The other two were held in New York City. During the telecast of this show on ABC, there was no mention of Jackson's name and he was always filmed with the rest of the singers in the background; this was because Jackson signed a contract with CBS over the 30th Anniversary Special (from September 10) to not appear under his name in any other program. Jackson recorded the all-star tribute that year, which included stars such as Ricky Martin, Destiny's Child, Shakira, Celine Dion and Gloria Estefan. But despite the commercial power of such a line-up, Sony Music did not release the song, much the singer’s bewilderment, as he intended that the song be released immediately for the benefit of the 9/11 victims.
On February 9, 2002, Michael Jackson makes a brief appearance alongside Elizabeth Taylor at the "Art for AIDS: A Tribute To Rock Hudson" fund-raiser held at Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach, California. Roy Harold Scherer, Jr., professionally known as Rock Hudson, was an American film and television actor, and also one of the first major Hollywood celebrity to die from an AIDS-related illness. At the beginning of the event, commemorative t-shirts signed by various stars including Michael Jackson, Bob Dylan, Madonna, Ringo Starr, Sharon Stone, Halle Berry and others have been auctioned. Jackson's, which was signed twice, will go for an amazing 700 dollars. Elizabeth Taylor and him will also briefly appear later at a private 2,500 dollar per plate dinner, also in support of the fund-raiser.
On April 24, 2002, the musician performs at a fund-raiser at "Apollo Theater" in Harlem, New York for the "Democratic National Committee", to launch a campaign aimed at persuading United States citizens to register and where nearly 3 million dollars are collected for the voting registration. Jackson performs "Dangerous", "Black Or White" and "Heal The World" (joined by Diana Ross) at the said event called "A Night At The Apollo", the superstar sharing the stage with former president Bill Clinton and singers Tony Bennett and K. D. Lang.The money would be used for the then new "Every Vote Counts" campaign, the committee said. The 1'400 audience members paid up to 5,000 dollars each to see the array of stars.
On June 14, 2002, Michael Jackson leaves Paddington Station in London, on a train ride to Exeter, Devon (in Great Britain) with then friends, Uri Geller, David Blaine and Mark Lester, as well as with 200 fans. They all go to Saint James Park where 10,000 have gathered for a fund-raising event in Exeter, organized to collect money for the football club and two charities aimed at combating AIDS and malaria. At the Stadium, the singer meets a young disabled boy, who jumps for joy straight into Jackson’s arms. “I held him so tight… It was unbelievable”, the youth says. “And he walks around for a bit and tapped me on the head and said “I love you”, and it was just the most memorable thing I’ve ever done in my life.” He meets other local children at the Stadium, among whom Lauren Setherton (sp), who, at the time, was suffering from cancer.
On September 15, 2002, by means of an auction, the performer donates 16 autographed items (compact discs, videos and a pair of cotton napkins), valued at 3935 Euros, to victims of a flood in Germany, as well as an autographed fedora and a jacket, worn by Jackson at the 2002 American Music Awards, to the "Tribute To Bambi" charitable auction, items calculated at 18,303 Euros and addressing the street children of Germany from "Off-Road-Kids e.V".
On October 12, 2002, as a personal acknowledgement of the gallantry and sacrificial services made by the military in his community, Jackson invites over 200 U.S. Airforce members from "Team Vandenberg" – then recently returned from overseas deployments – and their families to his residence.
Between the 19 and 29 of November, 2002, the "Siegfried & Roy's" celebrity auction takes place, for which Jackson donates an autographed plush bear, benefiting "Opportunity Village" (NGO in charge of the life-expectancy issues of mentally challenged people and their families) with 5,000 dollars, including a jacket auctioned for 16,000 dollars at the "Bambi Charity Event" in Berlin, Germany, on November 21.
In December, 2002, Michael Jackson and Bee Gee's member, Barry Gibb, write "All In Your Name", commonly, yet falsely spread about as "Prayer For Peace", and leaked to the media a few years ago. The two meet in Miami, Florida on December 20to work on the charity song, which was written in protest of the U.S. plans to invade Iraq. The war in Iraq will eventually break out as a military campaign against "the terrorists" on March 20, 2003.
On June 12, 2003, the entertainer attends a Rainbow/PUSH Coalition breakfast planning meeting with Reverend Jesse Jackson in Chicago, Illinois. Operation PUSH" ("People To Save Humanity") focuses, among musical acts, the city’s black population, their churches, schools, slums and playgrounds, and promotes the hope for an improved future, benefiting the children of Chicago, Illinois.
In June, 2003, Michael Jackson invites the Wolfs - a German family of two parents and two children, Saskia and Sabrina, affected by the floods of Saxony, Germany in August, 2002 - over to Berlin, Germany during his participation at the "Bambi Awards", including to Neverland for three days, where they enjoy the ranch's facilities and also meet with the singer's children.In September, he donates 16 autographed items, among which CD's, videos, a stuffed teddy-bear and two cotton napkins in support of the floods' victims. Jackson also donates a pair of painted footgear to the "Shoes For Charity" fund-raiser, in aid of children suffering from traumatic experiences.
Patricia Peckley, who suffers from lung problems, has asked the Make a Wish Foundation for the chance to meet her favorite entertainer. She and her daughter Maria celebrate Michael Jackson’s 45th birthday at Neverland in 2003, visiting his dressing room, enjoying a concert and watching videos in his movie theater. “Michael Jackson is a wonderful human being, an amazing person to talk to”, says Peckley.
On August 30, 2003, 12 year-old Trisha, from USA suffering from asthma, recounts her story of meeting the entertainer a year and a half before, via Make A Wish Foundation, one of the trusts the singer would support (for two decades). Her number one wish was to meet the entertainer and she is among the manifold children that were given the opportunity to meet him over the years. “They told my mom and I, that we were flying to Los Angeles in three weeks to go to the Celebration Of Love concert. I screamed and cried. I couldn't wait”, says/writes Trisha. “[…] [At the concert], some guy […] said that Michael would like us to go up to his dressing room. So, my mother and I, plus the other 2 families that were there, walked up the narrow staircase and walked into the dressing room and he was standing in the corner, in front of the firehouse”, she recounts. “I was the second to walk up to him and he hugged me so tightly. His colonge got all over the shirt I was wearing, but I hugged him again and started crying. I told him I was a fan since I was 1, and he went "Wow...Thank you". I couldn't believe he said ‘Thank you’ to me. Michael and my mother were starting up a conversation about a place in Scotland from where she was, It was Lochlomond I believe. I still couldn't believe it.. The next day (Sunday), we got on a bus and drove for three ours to the Neverland ranch, where fans were loaded down the street with "Happy Birthday, King Of Pop!" banners everywhere. I [have] seen Michael pull out in his black S.U.V, I think, but wasn’t sure... That's how I got to meet Michael Jackson”,
On September 15, 2003, the entertainer hosts a star-studded charitable event at Neverland Valley Ranch, ticket price at presale being 725 dollars, with proceeds going to the Oneness charitable organization. Guests enjoy a tour of Jackson’s menagerie, amusement rides, various assortments of food and other exciting things. The party subsequent to the event is hosted and broadcast live by ‘KIIS FM’. Jackson briefly addresses the guests in attendance. Prior to his speech, the "Harvest International Children’s Choir", along with a host of fans and special guests in attendance, join in to chant 'Happy Birthday' to their favorite star, whose birth date had been 2 weeks before.
On October 1, 2003, at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, he makes an appearance at the "Light The Way For Lupus" charity event raising funds for "Lupus L.A." and Lupus research. Therein, he also presents the Medical Visionary Award to his doctor, Mr. Alan Metzger in recognition for his work with aiding Lupus patients, including the singer himself.
On October 27, 2003, Michael Jackson premieres the short film for charity single "What More Can I Give" in the conference area of the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The same day, the edited version of the song, featuring a host of other artists, is released via the official "Music for Giving" website as a 2 – dollar download to support charity projects. The charities that received donations when "What More Can I Give" was donated were "Oneness", "Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation" and "The International Child Art Foundation". It was due to certain legal delays and misunderstandings that the charity anthem, (also previously devoted to the Kosovo victims and intended to be performed with late Luciano Pavarotti in 1999), was redirected – via Interney pay - to providing financial aid to the September 11, 2001 victims in New York, despite the numerous attempts of the singer to have the song properly released.
In 2004, Michael Jackson’s custom-designed car, a Bentley Arnage Red Label Turbo, is sold at an auction benefiting the singer’s "Go For Your Dreams" foundation; the automobile served to drive to Jackson’s Neverland Ranch the host of stars that recorded the "What More Can I Give" charity single in 2001, in appreciation for their involvement in the benefit project.
On September 17, 2004, during his latest child-abuse pre-trial appearances (the singer being absolved of all counts of misconduct later in 2005), he welcomes a large group of supporters to the restaurant "Epiphany" in Boston, Massachusetts, ordering pizzas for each individual, in appreciation for their enduring commitment to him.
On December 17, 2004, Michael Jackson invites approximately 200 people - children and their families from 6 special centers, among which churches, church schools etc - at his residence in California, and reiterates previous statements regarding the access of families, as well as tourists around the world, welcomed to spend time and tour Neverland; he also greets the gathering families and verbally addresses them holiday wishes. Jackson’s spokesperson at the time, Raymone Bain, also present at the event, says that it was not an out-of-the-ordinary event at Neverland (as previously shown): "[…] And at least 2 to 4 times a month, organizations are allowed to come here. And, since this was the last part of the holidays, he decided he would surprise the kids by doing so and they’re very happy about that". The event was an annual Christmas festivity, where hundreds of inner-city and underprivileged children and adults spent their time exploring the surroundings and the singer's ranch, riding on attractions, snacking on food and drinks, watching movies and playing in a two-story arcade, all of these being provided free-of-charge by Michael Jackson, and, often, even during his absence there.
During his trial (in 2005), Jackson and his parents allow a visit from fans at his home and inside it, the admirers remaining impressed by the manifested generosity given the circumstances.
At an unknown date, the singer hires a circus for children with the Down’s Syndrome, according to English musician, Pete Townshend. “[Jackson] has unselfishly helped every cause, and individual child, I have sent his way.”, Townshend declares in June, 2005, defending his friend against the child abuse charges. “In one case he hired a circus for the Down’s Syndrome children of a special school of the daughter of a friend of mine, and showed up to happily, and – yes – in childlike enthusiasm – watch the show with them. This little girl believed she was Michael’s future wife, and he so kindly allowed her to sit next to him, as his future bride. His feathers may be badly burned, and he may be damaged in other ways too, but he is something of an angel.”, says Townshend.
On November 3, 2005, Michael Jackson attends Rosa Parks' funeral service in Detroit, Michigan. The megastar assists a 7-hour long long ceremony, seated between Park's relatives. Tens of politicians, businessmen, religious leaders and people of the show business are present to pay their respects to the woman having made the fights for the civil rights in America possible. Among the famous guests were Reverend Jesse Jackson, former president, Bill Clinton, then president George W. Bush and singer Aretha Franklin. Rosa Parks died on October 24, 2005, at the age of 92, notably famous for refusing to leave her seat on a bus to a white man, in 1955, Montgomery city. Her arrest caused the protest against the racial discriminations led by Martin Luther King Jr.
On May 28, 2006, on occasion of accepting an MTV Legend Award in Japan, Michael Jackson visits the "Seibi Gakuen"children’s home in Tokyo, where he meets more than 160 children, and watches children performing traditional music. He addresses a few words of appreciation to the audience, as well as shakes hands with and signs autographs for the children.
On November 8, 2007, the pop star participates at Reverend Jesse Jackson’s birthday celebration, the event also being a fundraiser.
On occasion of a charitable party held in Devon, England (where members of the Jackson family, - including Michael Jackson, shortly, via telephone - , participated), on June 8, 2008, among additional financially-valuable items, 6,000 pounds are raised through an auction of Jackson memorabilia, including the singer’s white fedora, (worn in one of his videos) signed by himself.
On March 17, 2009, reality T.V. star, Jane Goody (housemate on "Celebrity Big Brother 2007", who would lose the battle with brain cancer on March 22) confirmed to "New" magazine that Michael Jackson had sent her a goodwill message while in London, U.K. Jackson was there between March 3 and March 8 to announce his last concert series in the U.K. via a press conference. The singer called in at the hospital where she was admitted – the terminally ill patient not being available at the time - then recorded an answerphone message for the T.V. star, with the following well-wishes: "Hi, Jade, I'm thinking of you and hoping everything goes as well as it can. I want you to come and see me when I'm over [to London for the concert series]. My brother[Jermaine Jackson, runner-up in the "Big Brother 2007" finale] keeps asking me about you." Goody's publicist, Max Clifford, declared after her death that Jackson would not be attending the memorial service, due to the singer not wishing to detract attention from Goody and her family. "He has sent a lovely message of condolence to her family, that she was a brave girl and that her message will save a lot of lives, and he will be sending flowers."
On June 6, 2009, it is reported that Michael Jackson has given his socially-conscious song, „Heal The World” to a group of young entertainers from Merseyside, Liverpool, to help raise money for the "James Bulger Red Ballon Centres Appeal",established by his mother, Denise Fergus from Kirkby, Merseyside. James Bolger, her 2 year-old son was killed in 1993 by 2 teenagers. With all proceeds being funnelled to James Bulger House (a school for bullied children), hundreds gathered at an homage event with a host of singers and dancers in Liverpool, including James’ parents. The four-hour concert, paying homage to 3 more tragic teenagers – Rhys Jones, Francesca Bimpson and Sarah Payne - ended with an emotional live performance of song "Heal The World”. "The Centre will accomodate roughly 15 children, but they are never going to lose their education at school because of bullies at school. These kids are going to have the best education that we can offer them through our charity Red Ballon Learner Centres”, the fundraiser’s organizer, Steve Linder, said. On the singer and his offer, Fergus later comments: "[Michael] was aware of James, as he sent a personal message to me, with a large basket of flowers. He wrote a couple of lines for James and he named it 'Child Of Innocence'. We played Michael's song at James' funeral. I've listened to 'Heal The World' over and over again and it gave me such a buzz when we found out we could release it to raise money for the James Bulger House. The words in the song are very touching. I feel the world does need healing with children committing crimes. It is very upsetting the way the world is at the moment, bullying is going on everywhere." The song performed by the Merseyside entartainers would be released on October 26, 2009.
* Michael Jackson is reported to have been owner of two top floors of the Dolphin Hotel at the "Walt Disney World Resort" in Orlando, Florida, in which ill children and their families have been allowed to stay for gratis.
* The entertainer also had made donations to local schools in Santa Ynez Valley, Santa Barbara County, California, according to local residents there. (information from Linh Ngo)
After Michael Jackson´s death
At the wishes of the late entertainer – as expressed in his will - The Michael Jackson Family Trust would devote 20% of its trust earnings to a number of undisclosed charities.
The following lines underneath a fan video by mjchicco for song “Privacy”: “I know people judged him so wrongly. I met Mike & got to know him, because my 3 year old little grandson had severe cerebal (sic) palsy - couldn't walk - talked very few sounds - couldn't eat by mouth (fed through a tube) - blind in both eyes & Mike came to see him. He stayed at our house to see if there was anything he could do. But, unfortunately, my grandson died.”, the post reads. Much more stories like that appeared!
On October 19, 2009, it is reported that 2 legal documents, signed by Michael Jackson, handing to USA for Africa the profits from the 1985 hit "We Are the World" that Jackson and Lionel Richie wrote, and which brought in „"ens of millions”, will go to auction, benefiting VH1's Save the Music Foundation. "(Michael Jackson) was a bigger philanthropist than most people gave him credit for,” USA for Africa Executive Director, Marcia Thomas, says of the singer-entertainer. "He didn't do it for the credit. He did it because he felt it was the right thing to do.” Nancy Birdsall, president of the Washington-based Center for Global Development, adds that "We Are the World' marked what at that time was a high point in rich-world concern about poor people in the developing world. That sort of awareness helps to open the way not only for more effective foreign assistance but for other changes in policy, such as trade and migration, that can have a big impact on poor people's lives.” The 2 legal documents, transferring his rights and profits to the group USA for Africa, are estimated to gross in 50,000 dollars at the Alexander Autographs auction at the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut. The in-person and online auction includes a huge number of rock-and-roll and Hollywood artifacts and is organized by an auction house noted for its historical and political offerings.
On February 1, 2010, over 80 musicians are involved in the (re-)recording of best-selling charitable hymn, We Are The World(written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie in 1985), at the Henson Studios in Los Angeles, California, in order to raise funds for the capital of Haiti, Port-Au-Prince, roughly stricken by an earthquake on January 12, 2010). The project was organized by singer Lionel Richie and producer Quincy Jones, the song containing updated lyrics and music, including a rap segment pertaining to Haiti. Michael Jackson’s original segment of the song was kept, his sister, Janet, joining him in a duet through a montage. Among the voices provided for this new version were Pink, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Nick Jonas, Celine Dion, Wyclef Jean, Jeff Bridges, Vince Vaughn, Barbra Streisand, Justin Bieber, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Will.I.Am, Carlos Santana, Enrique Iglesias, Miley Cyrus, Nicole Scherzinger and Nicole Richie, with other artists joining for the chorus, among whom Patti Austin, Natalie Cole, Faith Evans, India.Arie, nephews of Michael Jackson - Taj Jackson, Taryll Jackson, T.J Jackson, Gladys Knight, A.R. Rahman or Rob Thomas. A shortened video of the 2010 version of We Are The World premiered on US TV channel, NBC on February 12, during their coverage of the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics, while the full video was played a day later. The “We Are The World 25 For Haiti” project, apart from raising money benefiting the Haiti victims, it will make grants for efficient Haiti relief efforts and continual development of programs for the nation in the future, via the newly created We Are The World Foundation. On February 19, 2010, Latin artists such as Emilio and Gloria Estefan gather to record a Spanish-language version of the song - "Somos El Mundo" - for the same purpose. Other singers involved in recording this song version are Banda El Recodo, Carlos Santana, Chayanne, David Archuleta and José Feliciano.
In late February, 2010, Michael Jackson’s 3 children help carrying on their father’s legacy, by making a $10,000 donation to the ‘L.A. Housing Corporation’, an organization which provides shelter for homeless families. They make the donation on behalf of the Heal the World Foundation, interact and play with said institution’s children. Unfortunately, however, this charity has meanwhile been proven in court to not be affiliated with Michael Jackson nor the Michael Jackson Estate, despite heads of this company in question staunchily claiming otherwise. ..
On August 8, 2011, Michael Jackson’s 3 children, accompanied by several other family members, unveil several sketches by their father, as well as a signed portrait of the entertainer that will decorate the walls of ‘Children's Hospital Los Angeles’. The artwork, co-donated by artist and drawing-collaborator of Jackson, Brett Livingstone-Strong, includes a dozen sketches drawn and signed by the former, featuring depictions of Mickey Mouse, furniture and other objects.
Michael Jackson´s children continue to help the others. Paris announced her role as an activist when she accepted to be the new Ambassador for the Elizabether Taylor AIDS foundation. Prince Michael runs organisation Heal L.A., that was established in 2016 to help ending child abuse, homelessness, and hunger, and is dedicated to Heal the World Foundation.
Main source of the text:
The MJCast - Episode 092: Humanitarian: The Real Michael Jackson Special:
A crucial aspect of Michael Jackson’s life, which is rarely highlighted (and often blatantly ignored), is that of his amazing humanitarian work. While this comes up on The MJCast frequently as a point of discussion, the team is finally taking the opportunity to dedicate a full episode to this important topic. At last, the time is right for a deep-dive chat. Q welcomes to the show megafan and author Paul Dwyer, whose book, Humanitarian – The Real Michael Jackson, has just been published, as well as Friend of the Show and MJ Charity Correspondent Steven Hodges, of Michael Jackson Fans for Charity.
The guys discuss Paulie’s book and the creation of Steven’s MJFFC project, and, of course, get into the charity work Michael Jackson engaged with during his life. From acting as a US Cultural Ambassador to his Presidential Humanitarian Award, to songs such as “Man In The Mirror”, and to his work with hospitals, community centers, hospices and orphanages, Michael Jackson did incredible, world-changing work for many years. He was, ultimately, a human being who represented love and peace. We should remember him, acknowledge him, be inspired by him, and follow in his footsteps in our own lives.
We encourage all of our #MJFam out there to #MakeThatChange!
Humanitarian - The Real Michael Jackson:
"Michael zaplatil v roce 1994 mé účty za zdravotní péči. Bylo mi 7 let a trpěla jsem neuroblastomem ve 4. stádiu. Nebýt jeho štědrosti, nebyla bych tady."
Black Fiona Apple přes Twitter
“The first time the J-5 did a benefit at a children’s hospital, Michael came home and cried all night at the memory of all those sick children lying in beds, some not even able to move their hands to clap. That is when he became actively involved in communicating with these kids. He corresponds with youngsters his own age in hospital all over the country. These are not letters dictated to a secretary by a superstar, but letters written in Michael’s own hand during breaks in recording or rehearsing or even in school.”
Note about young Michael Jackson from an old magazine
"A lot of the issues he shed a light on were issues that no one felt comfortable talking about at the time, like AIDS. He wasn’t the guy who would jump on the bandwagon. He led the band.”
Howard Bragman on MJ's philanthropy
"Skutečná charita vychází ze srdce, víte? Ne z toho, že řeknete, ´Podívejte se na mě, podívejte se, co dělám.´"
Michael Jackson
“I wish the world could know the real Michael. Michael always said that if you talked about the good you did in the world, you cancelled the beneficence of the gift, so he was very private about his humanitarian work. Nobody will ever know how much he did for this world and for the children. The world will never know what it lost, because they took Michael from his work and that cheated not just him of his future, but it cheated all of us."
David Nordahl, artist
Read the article about Michael Jackson´s philanthrophy:
Visiting Children's Hospital 1993:
Michael Jackson about suffering, compassion and healing the world...
Why were children so important to Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson: Old people and children are very much alike. They are carefree and play-free and simple and sweet. It is just a spiritual feeling. I don’t visit old people’s homes as much as I have the orphanages. A lot of them get Alzheimer’s and they don’t recognize. But I have a great relationship with older people. I love talking to older people and they can tell you stories about when they were kids and how the world was in those days and I love that. There was an old Jewish man in New York a long time ago who said to me, “Always be thankful for your talent and always give to the poor people. Help other people. When I was a little boy my father said to me, ‘We are going to take these clothes and these pieces of bread and we are going to wrap them up and you run down the street and up the stairs and knock on the people’s door and place it in font of the door and run!’ I said, ‘Why did you tell us to run?’ He said ,”Because when they open the door I don’t want them to feel the shame. They have pride. That is real charity.” I have never forgotten that (story of the old man). That’s sweet, isn’t it? And he did that as a little boy all the time.
Schmuley Boteach: So have you tried to do charitable acts that no one knows about?
Michael Jackson: Yes, without waving the flag. He (the man Michael is quoting above) is saying real charity is giving from the heart without taking credit, and when he ran they didn’t know who had left it. It was like God had dropped it there, you know? It was so beautiful. I never forgot that story. I was around eleven when I was told that.
Michael Jackson - The Untold Humanitarian Work:
Michael Jackson´s Humanitarian Legacy:
... Contributions for philanthropy and the humanities, an academic discipline that includes not only the arts and science, but literature, history and philosophy as well. Michael Jackson joined a long list of recipients which included: Maya Angelou, Hunter S. Thompson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Booker T. Washington, Georgia O’Keefe, Prince Charles, Eudora Welty, Margaret Thatcher and the Rev. Billy Graham, to name a few.
~ the 44th Annual Event United Negro College Fund

The Los Angeles Area Council, Boy Scouts of America presented superstar Michael Jackson with the first “Michael Jackson Good Scout Humanitarian Award,” September 14, 1990 at a dinner chaired by Michael Eisner, chairman and chief executive officer, of the Walt Disney Company.
The prestigious award was created and named for Michael Jackson in recognition of his humanitarian effort for all mankind.
“The Boy Scouts of America honored MJJ for his charity work with them. This was a poster and photo shoot used for them, the guys were real boy scouts, and we put them in vintage real uniforms. It was in the early 1990’s. Stephanie Mills gave him the award in Century City at the Century plaza Hotel.”
- Michael Lee Bush, MJ’s tailor and costume designer ~30 years
“To be an artist to Michael Jackson was more than what he did as an entertainer, but also to who he influenced & who he advocated for…the work that he was able to do with Elizabeth Taylor Foundation to support children from around the world & help find resources for kids”
"The main thing with my uncle was just the love he showed all of us and how caring and giving he was to other people as well. The most important lesson that he showed us was charity and giving back. All of this meant nothing if you weren't giving anything back.“
Austin Brown, Michael´s nephew
Michael Jackson´s oldest son "Prince" Michael talks about charity and his own organization:
(Charity) "That is something that my dad always did, and he instilled that in me and my siblings to keep doing it. I think it's just the way that I was raised, honestly."
"I do have a memory: He had taken us to a hospital for children, and I remember that they were very sick. But when he walked into the room it lit up. All of the kids got happy."
"I met the president [of Heal LA], and he said that he was a big fan of my dad; that my dad had inspired him to pursue a career in non-profits and that he wanted to get started with a programme, a service organisation, on the Loyola Marymount campus."
"It would be called 'Heal LA' inspired by 'Heal the World.' Because one of my dad's main focuses was children and hunger — and homelessness was another big thing — we decided to focus on that. But because we are only based in LA, we decided that we were going to call it 'Heal LA' in the hopes that we could start a ripple that could spread."
MJ had supported 39 charitable organizations either with monetary donations, through sponsorships of their projects or the participation in their activities.:
AIDS Project L.A., American Cancer Society, Angel Food, Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles, BMI Foundation- Inc., Brotherhood Crusade, Brotman Burn Center, Camp Ronald McDonald, Childhelp U.S.A., Children's Institute International, Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund, Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation, Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Dakar Foundation, Dreamstreet Kids, Dreams Come True Charity, Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Love Match, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Minority Aids Project, Motown Museum, NAACP, National Rainbow Coalition, Nelson Mandela's Children's Fund, Red Cross, Rotary Club of Australia, Society of Singers Foundation, The Carter Center's Atlanta Project, The Sickle Cell Research Foundation, Transafrica, Unesco, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope, Volunteers of America, Watts Summer Festival, Wish Granting, YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw.
But it was found that Michael Jackson supported even much more organisations! Here are the others:
Democratic National Committee, Community School/Safety Havens Initiative, Lupus L.A., United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Atlanta Children’s Foundation, Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change, Foundation for the Junior Blind, Oneness, Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, The International Child Art Foundation, Go For Your Dreams, Opportunity Village, Off-Road-Kids e.V, UNICEF, T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS Research, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, National Solidarity Fund, Family Caring for Families, Operation Christmas Child, Children's Defense Fund, Children's Diabetes Foundation, Boys and Girl Clubs, Ghandi Foundation for Children, Crown Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's, Heal L.A., Prince’s Trust, Youth Sports & Art Foundation, Jane Goodall’s Ape Research institute, Children’s Wish Foundation, Give For Life, Wishing Well Fund, MusiCares and Camp Good Times
A po své smrti, podle své poslední vůle -
dává The Michael Jackson Family Trust 20% svých výdělků různým charitativním organizacím. Se ziskem před zdaněním ve výši 2,1 miliardy dolarů za posledních 10 let to znamená, že MJ daroval v uplynulém desetiletí 400 milionů dolarů, tj 40 milionů dolarů ročně, tudíž 3,33 milionu dolarů každý měsíc.